Where Members Get Paid for Viewing Ads!

At Just Click, members get paid to view ads for 30 seconds. How easy is that! In order to earn even more, simply just refer your friends and relatives because what they click will be added to your earnings. Although this site is new; however, our service will be top notch.

This is what Just Click has to offer
- Membership is FREE.
- Get paid to visit our advertiser's websites.
- For every click that you make, you earn $0.015.
- For every referral click, earn $0.015.
- Earnings are reported in realtime.
- Payments can be requested anytime and processed via Paypal.
- The minimum payout is $10.

Realistic Earnings Example
You click 6 ads per day = $0.08
20 referrals click 6 ads per day = $1.80
Your daily earnings = $1.88
Your weekly earnings = $13.16
Your monthly earnings = $56.40
Your yearly earnings = $686.20

For more information, visit
Just Click :: The modern way of advertising :: .view .click .earn

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