What is Paid.nu?

Paid.nu is an incentive based advertising community where the members receive 1 cent for every ad they view for 30 seconds and also receive 100% of what all their direct referrals earn. You can do the same now. Advertisers need visitors and they are willing to pay you for it. Signing up is free and only takes 30 seconds.
Do I need any skills?

With Paid.nu you don't need any skills. This is because all you need to do is visit the sites we provide you with.
How can I join?

Sign Up Now
> 1. Sign Up Free
> 2. View Paid Adverts
> 3. Get Paid

Advertising at Paid.nu

Advertising at Paid.nu starts from as little as $0.99 per 50 views. Please visit our advertising section to find out more.

For more information, visit
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