Sign Up for free as a GlobalTeamDirect Seminar viewing affiliate and view only the Online Seminars that interest you.

Simply sign up and you can start viewing presentations right away.

As a GlobalTeamDirect affiliate, you can earn in four ways:.

1. Direct Income: From viewing presentations.

2. Referral Income: From those that you refer.

3. Product Sales: You can also earn by hiring one of our conference rooms and retail/wholesale your products to our members.

4. Super Members: This is unique to GlobalTeamDirect and is a subscription based membership. Not only do you get many privileges but the chance to earn a much higher income from the GlobalTeamDirect website.

Get Paid Monthly

Payments are processed on the 15th of each month, as soon as the balance in your account reaches $50.00 at the end of the preceding month. If your balance does not reach the minimum, then it will roll over to the following month until it does.

A Win-Win Program
You earn an income by viewing presentations that interest you in some of the best income earning opportunities available today. Rather than reading emails or surfing websites, you can ask questions of the presenters or other members.
Our advertisers get more exposure for their opportunities, and are able to answer questions immediately.
We earn when we keep our affiliates and advertisers happy.
Simply sign up and you open the door to a whole new world of opportunities.