In the right direction....

However structural changes are required ....

10% Consumption tax only

A permanent elimination in taxes increases asset valuation.....not temporary bandaids....

A New World Wide Stock Exchange....
One that restores confidence by design....aided by reforms
in financial information via the internet, etc....

The point being that in order to replace the many $Trillions that have evaporated into thin air.....Total valuation increases must happen in this will be the best means....

The areas of mistrust have to be eliminated and replaced by trustworthy areas of concern.... not spur LT investment confidence....

Replace the IRS with 10% consumption tax....
Replace securities information....boilerplate internet sourced
Replace piecemeal regulations with universal effective regs....
Build out the internet electronic exchanges for increased participation worldwide....
Make the stock/debt markets visible, accessible, and universal....
Making banking a business that "knows its customers" local....
Unlimited liability all corporate officers/board members....