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For more than 6 years, USD Trade has been a leader in Traditional Markets,Import/Export and International Industrial Projects. A leader in technology, a leader in customer service and a leader in value. Today at USD Trade, investors have the Trading Tools and Services they need to take control of their investing needs. Macro Dollar is proud to provide premium service and Deeply Discounted Commissions to investors of all trading styles and we hope to continue to exceed our customers' expectations by providing the best price, the best service and the best technology.
Plan: 35%-38% Hourly for 3 Hours Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%) Plan 1 $3 - $99 35.00 Plan 2 $100 - $499 36.00 Plan 3 $500 - $999 37.00 Plan 4 $1,000 - $5,000 38.00 Payment systems: EgoPay, Perfect Money Join Usd-Trade here