Paypal money making system

Hello , my name is Jose Manuel , if you really want a reliable and honest alternative to earn money online with minimal investment this is your chance , with only 6 dollars a PayPal account and can earn good money, you just need your decision and your desire , and a lot of honesty .It is a very creative and easy to implement if you're really honest and you feel like helping others and thou also be helped .You must work and put effort into this system and be consistent , do not get rich from the overnight or you won thousands of dollars in a week or 2 , I repeat , consistency is what you have and passion for working in this system .But well, get to the point , we like I mentioned, it really is not very difficult, it is a very easy system is simple and I'm sure you'll understand the mechanics easily . Look closely , it's easy . All you need :- An email ( gmail , yahoo , hotmail ) - A verified PayPal account personal nature ( I'll explain this below) - six dollars in your PayPal account .

- THE SYSTEM WORKS AS FOLLOWS :When you send $ 1 to each of the 6 email addresses you are paying a legitimate service and 100 % legal which allows the functionality of this wonderful system. Once you have sent $ 1 to each address, delete the address # 1 on the list and run the other 5 directions, up one space ( the # 2 becomes # 1, the # 3 becomes # 2) AND the # 6 that has been cleared will your email . This will allow from the # 6 to the # 1 position , receive a sum of money (in U.S. dollars ) increased according to the position, being in the # 1 receive the higher amount. Do not forget that you have an email address , verified Paypal account and your only investment of $ 6 USD. Paypal If you do not know I will explain briefly . Paypal is the fast, easy and secure system that exists on the Internet to send and receive money from anywhere in the world through your personal email address . Currently , millions of people use PayPal to send and receive money from friends , family, business or business, the easiest and fastest way , from anywhere in the world. Opening a PayPal account is FREE and only takes 3 minutes to open your account ( check this link :) to open your account PERSONAL OR BUSINESS. You must open the COMPANIES is that allows you to receive payments from credit and debit cards worldwide , and may receive payments more easily. When you have your account PayPal will ask you to link a debit or credit to be verified user of PayPal , this results in a myriad of advantages (such as eliminating limits on sending and withdrawal ) which can be viewed directly on the page Paypal. Finally you must be at least $ 6 on your debit or credit vinculaste your PayPal account. ( No matter what your balance this currency . Dollars to convert PayPal when making payment at no extra cost to you. Likewise, change your primary currency to U.S. dollars into your PayPal account ) .

To send money from your PayPal account to the above post select Send Money / Send Money from PayPal. Select Services / box , indicating that it is the payment of a service. In the Subject field / Commentary writes: Please add me to your email list / Please add me to your mailing listSo simple it works , follow these steps to the letter :- From your verified PayPal account , send $ 1 to each of the 6 email addresses shown below ( Remember that PayPal will take funds directly from your linked card and verified , no extra cost) . VERY IMPORTANT: If you cheat and not send the $ 6 at 6 addresses in this text , I declare with certainty that you will not receive anything and you've lost your investment. " What you sow is what you reap ." It is an inviolable and irrevocable life LAW. So if you really want to prosper and be blessed with this beautiful set , be honest as all users who participate in this system and receive overabundant fruit. Do not forget that this system is composed exclusively of all users involved in and his honesty.
Now, here's the list of the 6 email addresses where you must deposit $ 1 :

So will the NEW chain : when you delete the first post and others recorras an upward position .

6. XXXX in this position your email

You can post it on forums , newsgroups , classifieds, groups of items, make a blog or a website with the message , finally I can post in many ways. Another thing you can also publish to other languages ​​, remember that this system is GLOBAL , then you can translate into English, German , Portuguese, Italian , French , anyway. Something very important is NEVER MAKE SPAM. Post at least 200 forums, classifieds , etc, if you can do it in more obviously much better for everyone , the more you give to know the answers have more ads and more money will come . You may be receiving money from around the world if you want, the thing is that you take that desire and you try, but you can do it , seriously , it's easy , but easy laborious . When you post a message , do it with an attractive title , but not fanciful as: "BECOME A MILLIONAIRE IN A MONTH WITH 6 DOLLARS " NO ! Never. Helpful Somewhat serious and credible " Make Money Investing $ 6 in a safe and honest system ," that if it would correct. And also do not want to fall in very fanciful lie to people , that you would be the worst, remember, always honestly. The beauty of this system is that you always win Say 200 publications only receive 5 replies, have won $ 5 in a 6. Now each of those 5 people you sent a dollar also put 200 publications each with your name now at No. 5, and if these people only 5 persons respond to them would be earning $ 25 in a 5. If these 25 people post 200 ads each with your name at No. 4 and that each receive 5 replies, then you would be earning $ 125 in a 4. Then these 125 200 ads posted each with your name now at number 3, and if you only receive 5 replies each , you would receive an amount of $ 625. Then if each of those 625 people post 200 ads each with your name at No. 2 and only receive 5 replies each then you would be getting $ 3.125 . These 3125 people post 200 posts each with your name at number 1 and only 5 persons respond then be receiving the amount of $ 15.625 .

1) 15(1) = 15 people ($1) = $15
2) 15(15) = 225 people ($1) = $225
3) 15(225) = 3375 people ($1) = $3375
4) 15(3375) = 50625 people ($1) = $50625
5) 15(50625) = 759375 people ($1) = $759375

REMEMBER reap as you sow , SEEDS AND IF HONESTY AND OTHER MONEY , THE SAME ONE THAT reap TIMES ...Well, it's all I had to say , not before wish the greatest blessing in this system and declare multiplication over your finances. Thanks for taking the time to have read the message, I would be very happy that you were part of people who are still very blessed and prospered with this system, thank you very much and God bless you and multiply your money with this system greatly . If you have any questions write me at [email protected] system and will gladly help you.

NOTE : This email is serious and has been running for a very long time on the internet, try it and enjoy your winnings .