Rainbow Six Game of attack and defense.

What’s everthing about? Here is the first game inside tactical shooter franchise for six years, the last being Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Ubisoft has promised going back for the hardcore multiplayer focus that made the series famous. Whatever we’ve seen until now bears that out, with teams of 5 operating on opposite sides of the siege. One team must breach, as you move the other fortifies. You have have only a single life per round, also it’s one shot, one kill.

How might it play? Tense, tactical and really rather good. When Ubisoft showed off Siege for the first time at their E3 news conference, there was a concern the slick tug-of-war involving the two opposing sides became a little too scripted to be believable. But while there is naturally some cinematic massaging to make sure the gameplay portion was well suited for a glitzy stage demo, the hands-on demonstrated it wasn’t beyond the boundary from reality.

The setup to the match are these claims: there's a number of five terrorists hunkering down within a house that have a hostage as collateral. Their job is always to fortify the property and defend themselves, while keeping their prize safe. Outside five members of any crack SWAT team plan their assault, their main priority to get the hostage out alive. The terrorists can win by surviving the siege or eliminating the incoming troops, while SWAT can win by wiping out the bad guys or rescuing the hostage.

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