As many people are now aware, identity theft is out of control, but just as bad, so is our Privacy Rights out of our control, until now.

Wake Up People................... This is a serious threat on our privacy, yet most do not even know what is happening without our knowledge. There are thousands of companies selling our personal private data for billions every year. Did you give your permission? Did you get paid any part of these billions? NO, exactly, nor did I, but if you are smart, you can get paid for using your personal private data, or stop it, either way, we can now earn a fortune while protection what is ours already.

Knowledge is power, and we now have a voice as members of The-Privacy-Army, a consumer advocates group educating the citizen of their rights to privacy under the constitution. If you would like to protect your families personal private data, and earn a fortune simply sharing this valuable information with others, then join the PrivacyArmy today. Here is the latest example of how our data is being hijacked, so visit our site to learn more before it is too late.

Top Ten Stories You Missed in 2006.

10. Hackable Passports

In October, the U.S. State Department began issuing biometric “ePassports” that contain a radio frequency identification (RFID) tag under the back cover. The tiny chip holds the usual passport data, including a digital photo. The motive behind adding the chips is ostensibly good: to combat counterfeiting and illegal immigration.

But a German hacker quickly found a vulnerability. With a laptop and a chip reader he bought for $200, he was able to steal data from an encrypted RFID tag, potentially allowing him to clone an ePassport. And it’s not just Americans who are at risk. Twenty-seven countries (mostly in Europe) that participate in the U.S. Visa Waiver Program are required by U.S. law to issue the new electronic passports to their citizens. The Dutch and British media have already reported major security flaws in the new IDs.

So, what’s a security conscious citizen to do? Again, the answer may come out of Germany. A group of hackers there recommends that people microwave the new passports to destroy the chips. The State Department may want to go back to relying on a paper trail.

Wake Up People................Fight Back NOW!