The VRG is a fantastic club where you can call and talk with your Managing directer anytime. Get reguler printouts on how your investment is doing.

This is an educational club which teaches all aspects of trading in the foreign markets while you are making money on your investment from a pooled account
without the worry of someone running away with your money.

Create your own IBC

Purchase CDs in the member credit Union

Earn on invitations and on their earnings

Earn by promoting a private Internet correspondence.

Earn by advertising a private store.

There are many ways to earn in this club. You will soon learn the membership fee is small change. We have a family environment where we care for each other and there is plenty of support for any problems which may come your way.
Also, many of our members have their own specialty which can be very helpful to members.

Click on the link below and check it out. If you want more information send me a pm and I will set up a conversation by telephone or in a conference room. Do it now! You will enjoy it.