At HMO, we are trying to collect news, stories, articles or members' thoughts related to HYIPs and making money online as you can see at


We are encouraging you to contribute your stories by submitting which you think is interesting or helpful to our visitors and members.

To submit your stories, go to :

submit news

One incentive for your contributions is we will give you a free banner client account, which you can have your banners appear at our website.

Login page:

For every approved articles fron you, you will get either:

1) 200 impressions of your banner at our footer rotating banner space,
2) 50 impressions of your banner at our top center rotating banner space

at your choice!

Articles submitted if not written by yourself, please include the author name and source of articles ( which book, website etc ), we must respect the rights of the original authors.

After submitting your articles ( you must be a registered (free) member ), contact HMO using this email :

- tell us your preferred login name and password for your banner client account, we will manually create the account for you
- send us your banner image url and click url
- it can be a referral/affliate/your own website banner (468x60 banner size)
- only one banner per registered HMO member, if you want to change your banner, please contact us again
- state your choice of banner position

Upon approval of your articles, your banner will be activated with the number of impressions credited as stated above.

We sincerely appreciate your contributions and be part of us, share your articles now at

submit news