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  1. #1
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    Question UPDATE IRAQI STOCK WEBSITE:Seems Like Electronic Trading That's Being Discussed Here?

    NOTE: THIS IS ON THE UPDATED STOCK MARKET WEBPAGE...Word Executive Director section.


    M / cooperation with the territory Kurdstan
    بناء على الدعوة الموجهة من قبل مجموعة شركات زاكروس للطيران في اربيل زار السادة رئيس مجلس المحافظين والمدير التنفيذي وعضو المجلس ممثل الوسطاء اربيل للفترة من 4-5/6/2007 وبتنسيق من قبل عضو المجلس السيد حسن الدهان .At the invitation of the group of companies Zacros flight in Arbil visited Mr. Chairman Board of Governors, the Executive Director and Board Member representative intermediaries Irbil for the period from 4-5/6/2007 and coordinated by the Council member Mr. Hassan paint. عقد وفد سوق العراق للاوراق المالية لقاءين مع مستشاري السيد رئيس وزراء الاقليم وهم السادة : فرهنك جلال ومحمد امين بابان وعبد الله عبد الرحيم.A delegation of Iraq's market for securities twice with the advisers, Mr. Prime Minister of the Territory are Messrs : Farhank and Jalal Mohammed Amin Baban Abdullah Abdul Rahim. وكانت موضوعات المناقشة لها علاقة بالاستشارات التي يمكن ان يقدمها السوق لمساعدة متخذي القرار في الاقليم في تأسيس شركات مساهمة براسمال حكومي وخاص في الاقليم واهمية وجود سوق للاوراق المالية في الاقليم ومستلزمات إنشاءه.The discussion topics related consultation can be provided by the market to assist decision-makers in the province in companies with a capital of government and particularly in the province and the importance of the existence of a market for securities in the province and requirements established. وقد حضر اللقاءات المدير التنفيذي لمجموعة زاكروس للطيران السيد دلسوز حسين شيرواني.He attended meetings of the Group Executive Director of Aviation Zacros Mr. Hussein Delsoz Sherwani. في اليوم التالي التقى وفد سوق العراق مساء بالسيد عيسى المدير المفوض لشركة بورصة العراق للعقارات الذي سبق ان قدمت شركته طلبا لادارة وامتلاك فرع سوق العراق في اربيل , وابدى رغبته في امتلاك وادارة فروع السوق في اربيل والسليمانية ودهوك على ان تعامل كفرع واحد ( فرع كوردستان) وطلب تخفيض حجم الالتزامات المطلوبة من قبل السوق .The following day he met with the delegation of Iraq market evening Mr. Issa High Director of Company Stock Iraq for buildings, which the company had already submitted applications for the management and ownership of Iraq branch market in Arbil, He would like to own and manage the market branches in Arbil, Sulaymaniyah and Dahuk to treat one branch (branch Kurdstan) and the request to reduce the size of the commitments required by the market. وقد حضر اللقاء ايضا ممثلا عن مصرفي كوردستان واشور.The meeting was attended also by representatives of banking Kurdstan Ashur.
    انصبت ملاحظات وفد سوق العراق على الاتي في كل اللقاءات:The observations of the delegation of Iraq on the following market in all the meetings :
    1- رغبة سوق العراق في التعاون مع حكومة كوردستان والقطاع الخاص هناك في مختلف المجالات التي من شأنها تأسيس الشركات المساهمة وفتح الفروع لسوق العراق المرتبطة الكترونيا مع قاعة السوق في بغداد وتمكين المستثمرين العراقيين في أي مكان من العراق من التداول باسهم الشركات المساهمة المدرجة.1 desire-market Iraq to cooperate with the government and the private sector Kurdstan there in various areas, which would establish joint-stock companies and opening branches for a market of Iraq linked electronically with a market hall in Baghdad and the empowerment of the Iraqi investors anywhere in Iraq from trading shares of joint stock companies listed.
    2- تشجيع سوق العراق للقطاعين الخاص والحكومي في كوردستان على تأسيس الشركات المساهمة خصوصا بوجود شركات كبيرة حاليا مؤسسة في الاقليم لكنها ذات مسؤولية محدودة.2-market Iraq to encourage private and government Kurdstan to establish joint-stock companies, especially the presence of large companies currently institution in the territory but with limited liability.
    3- جدد القطاع الخاص رغبته في عقد لقاءات لاحقة مع الوفد العراقي خصوصا وان هناك مراسلات عبر البريد الالكتروني مستمرة بشأن تقريب وجهات النظر وتفعيل الاتفاقات المستقبلية.3 - The private sector wanted to hold meetings later with the Iraqi delegation, particularly since there was correspondence via e-mail on continuing to bring viewpoints and activate future agreements.
    مع التقدير.With appreciation.
    طه احمد عبد السلامTaha Ahmed Abdul Salam
    المدير التنفيذي Executive Director
    Translated version of

    Kept arabic so if there is a question as to the actual translation later...otherwise, sorry

    Last edited by fredgwest1999; 09-06-2007 at 10:50 PM.

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  3. #2
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    Certainly interesting - but not quite clear enough yet - want that dang English side of the ISX.

  4. #3
    Member pee wee's Avatar
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    Plunge continues in ISX, March 28, 2007

    With foreign investment entry into the ISX stifled by good institutional bureaucracy, prices in the infant capital market of Iraq took another plunge today loosing much of the gains of the last few weeks when hopes ran high for an eventual entry of foreign money into the market.

    In the all important banking sector, gloom could have not been clearer. All banks traded today registered a sharp decline. For example the stocks of the Commercial Bank of Iraq plunged by good 10% down to ID1.85 wiping all gains made earlier when the prematurely the CEO of the ISX announced the imminent influx of foreign capital. It is odd, to say the least, the management of the ISX has not made any further announcement informing the public what is going on. Investors noted that a certain brokerage firm was selling heavily stocks of this particular bank. Even stocks of the Baghdad Bank which normally has enough resilience to withstand speculative bouts of the market fell today by a good 3% ending trade at ID3. Another leading bank, the Middle East Investment Bank, did not escape the onslaught. In heavy trade it lost good 5% closing the day at ID 2.7. The rest of the banking stock had displayed the same sad story.

    Performance was mixed in the small manufacturing sector. For example there was a lofty plunge by as much as 16% in the price of the Electronics Industry. This stock closed at ID 1.3 wiping out the gains of the last three trade sessions. On the other hand stocks of the Chemical Industry were outstanding when it made a 3% gain closing at ID 1.7. According to informed sources this is explained by reports of significant production surge in the plants of this small company due to supply contracts agreed by the company with the government. The company manufactures sponge products. There was little trade in other manufacturing stocks listed in the exchange. .....(hmmmm..wonder what he was thinking ?)
    time for this ride to end !!

  5. #4
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    I'm not too concerned about the fall at the moment. To me, the game begins when it's all 'live' - electronics, foreign investors etc.

  6. #5
    Member Ialdoboath's Avatar
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    This is definitely the first time I have ever seen it happen that RC is quiet and no rumors while the dark side is rampant with rumors. What happened to the world tonight?

    Supposedly, electronic trading starts tomorrow.

  7. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ialdoboath View Post
    This is definitely the first time I have ever seen it happen that RC is quiet and no rumors while the dark side is rampant with rumors. What happened to the world tonight?

    Supposedly, electronic trading starts tomorrow.
    SGS made a couple of exciting posts today that you might want to check out.

  8. #7
    Member Ialdoboath's Avatar
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    Where? Can't find the threads....?

    Quote Originally Posted by danny51 View Post
    SGS made a couple of exciting posts today that you might want to check out.

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