Palm Research in the market research field since 2005, and have worked with the top market research companies in the world.

Why Palm Research?
After years of promoting market research companies, Palm Research have identified different concerns with fraudulent companies that claim to be market research companies but are actually"pay to play" websites - the ones that pretend to want your opinion,but really only want the money on your credit card.
That's why Palm Research are 100% free to join, and don't require you to sign up or participate in any trial type of offer.
This is a great new survey panel,You answer the questions in each survey honestly and openly, and only participate in studies that you qualify for.

By registering you are given the opportunity to participate in 2 daily online surveys which will allow you to earn $1 per survey you take. That's $2 each and everyday you will earn, the cash is sent by either Paypal or Check. This site is open to members from the UK, USA, Australia, Canada and Germany plus further opportunities for members worldwide.

Do Palm Research Really Pay Money?
Yes,, Palm Research Pays we actual cash,once your account reaches a balance of $10 or more, via Paypal or Check,(once a month,) Usually during the first week, on a Net-45 Day basis,to members for participating in studies conducted from website.

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