I am not the admin of the program.


Member Benefits...

• Exclusive peer support network to keep you motivated!
• Fast and Easy Food/Exercise tracking and reports.
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Get PAID to LOSE Weight!

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Slim.com is the only weight-loss site that actually pays you to lose weight!

Our members average about four pounds per week...

How much do you want to lose?

Affiliate Program Options

Option I - Per Member Payout:

Our per member payout program is easy. We pay you $1.00 for each person that signs up for a free membership.

Affiliate Sign Up

Option II - Percentage Program

The more traffic you send, the more you earn with our percentage program. You receive a percentage of initial orders and reorders. With the free member sign up bonus, you could be earning more than we do!

Affiliate Sign Up

Broker Programs - Get 10% of other webmaster programs

Your broker account is automatically created for you when you sign up as an affiliate. You earn an extra 10% when other affiliates sign up under your broker ID – no extra work, just extra earnings!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.