I am not the admin of the program.


Do You Want Subscribers Given to You & A Method to Email Your Ad to them? ...FREE?

List-Wiz will grow your contact list so fast
that you'll think a wizard was behind the scenes!
All you do is PLAY our "Sweets" game, win points and YOU win your email contacts. You can trade your points as you win them or trade them in a bundle - you will get your contact immediately upon trading. No waiting, no CHASING people. They are already here! Plus, you can use our advanced mailer to contact them everyday. (Yes, Everyday!)

You also get 100 spins for FREE when you join right now.
Join free before we change our minds about this!

What is the "Sweets" game?

It is easy. Instead of winning money, you win a contact list and use of our mailer. You can advertise any program, blog or website that you like.
Our "Sweets" game works like this... you click "spin" like the real life demo below. Depending on which cookie, candy or cake that you land on - you win points for it. You can also win extra spins too! When you accumulate enough, you can trade them in for another person to be added to your contact list. This contact list consists of members and members are randomly assigned to you as we do not want member #1 to be the one always picked by every person who trades points. So, some members who have never been picked would never see an ad, some would see them.
Try it out here or join now for your free spins!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.