Hi, wow, I found this site, can get free few hundred xlm coin with just a few steps, do not say much more straight into the problem.
Get free XLM coin with just a few steps.

XLM is coin can be changed to bitcoin, 1XLM = 2500bit and the corresponding error will increase.

First of all you ref to support offline:https://www.mystellar.org/member.php...&referrer=1421

- Register and post 10 reply + update avatars and get 40 XLM here: https://www.mystellar.org/thread-49.html

-Receive 50XLM per week if you use centaurus stellar purse, required to have 100XLM in your purse, you can download here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/d...oins.centaurus

- And many other events for you to receive free XLM: https://www.mystellar.org/forum-6.html

You can change to Poloniex, Bittrex .......
Thanks for wathching

Sorry i use google trans