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    Default Need some advice on X'mas Day

    Hi to everyone tht is here on rolclub , at first would like to wish everyone a Merry X'mas and Happy New Year. I'm actually a very young college student who joined pips on dec 04 , put almost everything i've got into it , a four figure sum that my hard earn money and a part of my sch fee to joined pips because someone i trusted give me some advice on investment. After a long year , didnt get anything back , just many , many talks on the forum , really wished that the company will come back and return me some income to change my life , i mean i'm very tired of working and studying at the same time. Someone out there please try to give me advice wht should i do. I know tht investment maybe scam or a failure , but i still have fate on this company , but when ? There is a very many tomorrow , but when ?? When we was told tht dec the company will come back , then i've waited till now , now it stated again will change everything before next christmas.. Maybe i have poor english which i cant express myself well , hope someone can understand how i feel.

    A heartbroke student on Christmas Day

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    Senior Member goldeneye's Avatar
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    Well sweetie might as well lay back and enjoy Christmas because what is done is done .. Nothing you , I or anyone on this forum can do to rush things along .... Advice is what you take it .. you do your own dd in anything you do and don't blame anyone else for the way life goes.

    I will say this though ... I am sure glad Bryan is at the helm of this whole thing ... He is a fighter a man that has a dream and thank your lucky stars you are where you are in life .....

    So hang tight ..... Enjoy the day and future to come, because WE can not change the past .. WE can only learn from it and become stronger.

    We have all grown stronger in "P" -- in tolerance --in compassion -- in giving --and in friendship --

    We all have a lot to be thankful for.

    Best to you and yours this Christmas and in 2006 and beyond.

    Merry Christmas

    Last edited by goldeneye; 24-12-2005 at 04:20 PM.

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    I suggest the following which was once posted by another member and I have enhanced the presentation a little for readability.

    The 40 Golden Keys to Becoming Financially Wealthy! By Dr Joshua David Stone

    My Beloved Readers, in these hard times on Earth that we live in since 911 with global terrorism, wars, global recession, just about every person on Planet Earth is dealing with money issues and especially lightworkers. Because of this Spirit and the ******* have guided me to write a comprehensive full spectrum prism understanding of the laws of prosperity as seen by God and the Inner Plane Ascended *******. Spirit and the ******* have guided me to call this chapter and lesson, “The 40 Golden Keys to Becoming Financially Wealthy!”

    I will begin one by one listing these 40 laws of prosperity from an integrated perspective and a full spectrum prism perspective. These are the 40 laws of prosperity that enlightened beings use and Integrated Spiritual ******* use to manifest money, wealth, and prosperity.


    The first law of prosperity is the law of prayer. This involves invoking the help of the superconscious mind, Mighty I Am Presence, Holy Spirit, God, the Trinity, the Ascended *******, the Angels, the Elohim, Christed Extraterrestrials to help you manifest your prosperity prayers. When you pray write the prayer down. Be specific. Make sure the prayer is in harmony with God’s Will and that you are asking for a pure purpose. For example, you are not asking for a million dollars so you can live a life of hedonism. There is nothing wrong with asking for money or material things as long as it is in the context of your Spiritual path.


    On a conscious level, do everything you can do on a personal power and action level to manifest the prayer. Don’t just make a prayer and stay in your apartment and never leave. Each mind has its part to play in an enlightened being’s understanding and ability to manifest prosperity. You must listen to your inner guidance and intuition and when it guides you to take action you must do so. For example, you may pray and the answer to your prayers is to meet a certain person at the laundry mat, however, if you do not listen to your inner guidance and intuition to do your laundry that night you may miss that opportunity.


    The third law of prosperity is to use the power of the subconscious mind to manifest prosperity. This means to do prosperity affirmations and visualizations throughout your day to program your subconscious mind to attract and magnetize prosperity to you. Anything you affirm or visualize into the subconscious mind of a positive or negative nature will be attracted to you in time. This is the law!


    Be sure to always practice positive thinking and imaging in your daily life in general and to be very careful of the words you speak to make sure you are demonstrating prosperity consciousness and not poverty consciousness in your daily thoughts, images, and words. Many people’s affirmations and creative visualizations do not work because the self talk that goes on in their consciousness 24 hours a day is so negative and poverty driven in nature!


    If you are going to pray then law number five is you must have faith, trust, and patience in God and God’s Laws. On the Earthly plane things do not move as fast as in the Spirit world. So faith, trust, and patience is needed as well as perseverance and consistency of your manifestation practices. If you doubt the prayer in your consciousness you are doing unconscious negative affirmations and negative self talk which is sabotaging your manifestation.


    The next law has to do with alignment and integration. For prosperity and manifestation to work, there must be a consistency of alignment and integration between the superconscious, conscious mind, subconscious mind, physical body, and the Earthly world. This is the place most people falter in prosperity consciousness and manifestation for they do not get all levels aligned consistently!


    The seventh law is God works in mysterious ways. So do not limit God by telling God the prosperity has to come in a certain way. Be open to all avenues of prosperity, even ones you have not conceived of as a possibility!


    The next law deals with the importance of gratitude and being grateful for all that you have. This is a very key law to prosperity, which is to appreciate that which you have. If you do not do this, it will put up one of many possible blocks to the prosperity and manifestation process.


    The next law is to not be attached to your prayer for all prayers should be prayer preferences not prayer attachments. The quickest way to sabotage a prayer is to become attached to it and to lose your happiness if you do not get it in a time period you want it.


    When you do your creative visualization use all your inner senses. See yourself getting the money. Feel the money. Smell the money. Touch the money. Make it so real that it is as real in your imagination as real life is. When it is that real, is when the power of the subconscious mind is really put to work.


    This law deals with the importance of setting up a Spiritual battle plan to achieve your prayer goal. In this Spiritual battle plan list every possible thing you can do to manifest this prayer on every level. For example, it might involve advertising, lighting a special candle every day, making phone calls, studying books, and on and on. List every possible thing you can do on every level to accelerate the process and do these things in daily life.


    The next law is to keep your prayer goal confidential. One of the best ways to sabotage your prayer goal is to talk about it too much with other people. This is for two reasons. The first is talking about it dissipates the energy. Better to keep it all inside and not dissipate it. Secondly, other people often say things that program in doubt. As the Bible says, “Don’t cast pearls to swine (unconscious people)!”


    The next law deals with the importance of remembering that you are an incarnation of God and the infinite universe is part of your body. So when you pray, see your consciousness and body containing the infinite universe. This will greatly strengthen the manifestation of your prayer goal.


    When you pray, pray with full personal power and as Spirit, Christ, Buddha, and the Eternal Self. Do not pray as a child and do not pray as a lowly, sinful worm.


    The next law of prosperity is that if you achieve your prayer goal, do not boast or necessarily even talk about it. Give all gratitude to God! For do not forget the adage from the Bible, “After pride cometh the fall!”


    The next law of prosperity is to find your security within yourself, not outside yourself. To remember this myself I use the affirmation, “God and the *******, my personal power, and the power of my subconscious mind are my stocks, and bonds, and financial security!” This way even if everything was taken away I know I can build it all back up again using these same inner laws and powers!


    Whatever form of manifestation takes place, bless that experience and thank God for it. Always remember, God gives you the perfect lessons and Spiritual tests you need at any given moment. Sometimes God may test your faith and Christ Consciousness before giving you the keys to the Kingdom!


    Practice perseverance, for this prosperity program is a continual lifetime process. You will always be manifesting things. As the Bible says, “Be ye faithful unto death, and I will give thee a Crown of Life!” Many times people give up moments before the actual manifestation is about to take place. It also must be remembered that these are laws of God and they work every time if applied accurately, consistently, and in a persevering manner.


    The next law is to hold the energy and etheric form of that which you are trying to manifest. So in other words, if you are trying to manifest the lottery, see the energy of the lottery embodied within you and see yourself having already manifested the lottery on the etheric plane. So it is just waiting to manifest on the Earthly plane any moment.


    When you pray always ask for this or something better. It is always good to say that for God may have something even better for you that you had not even thought of!


    The next law is to release all guilt, thoughts or feelings of being undeserving. Forgive self for all mistakes and let go of the past. Know that God wants you to be prosperous so you can be of greater service. Your worth comes from the fact that God created you and God does not make junk!


    When you complete the prayer, surrender the prayer to God and visualize it floating up like a bubble merging into God’s Heart.


    Before doing the prayer clear all negativity in yourself and clear all negativity in your relationships. If you have any old debts of any kind pay them off, or make a plan to pay them and make sure things are clear between you and the other person or people!


    The next law is to experience yourself as inwardly rich. The person who is an inner millionaire is the one who lives their life in Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God Consciousness in an integrated and balanced way! Many people have money but they do not have happiness, inner peace, and are not at one with God. By developing this first, we develop the Midas Touch and everything turns to gold. So in your life, act like a millionaire. This does not mean being frivolous and wasteful with your money, but rather just having that air and aura in total humbleness and humility of being a millionaire. This will help attract it to you!


    Realize that any money or material thing you receive is not really yours, it is God’s and so use it in a sanctified manner. God wants you to have money and be a millionaire for the more money you have the more you can give to others and the more you can use that money to help others.


    The next law of prosperity is that of completion. This is an interesting law. Let’s say you are trying to manifest a new house. One of the laws of prosperity is that to manifest a new house you must complete the old house. Before you move you must completely clean it whether the landlord requires it or not. You must get everything organized and leave that house better than it was before you moved in. This is the same law that campers and hikers know about. Whenever one leaves a campsite they always leave it in better condition than when they found it. This is crucial to the manifestation process in terms of accelerating it.


    The next law of prosperity is to get rid of all negativity on every level inwardly and outwardly which leaves room for the new energy to come in. If you have a trash can filled with trash it just makes sense that you throw out the trash first to make room for a new energy to manifest. One must die to the old self to allow the rebirth to take place. So what you are attempting to do in this law is to create a vacuum for this new energy to manifest into. This is the law of precipitation.


    The next law is the law of equivalency. Let’s say you are trying to manifest a trip to Hawaii. When you pray don’t limit the prayer to just asking for the money so you can go to Hawaii. Ask to go to Hawaii and God may have someone give you a free ticket or you may win some prize or you could win some money or be given some money. We do not want to limit the ways God can give us what we want.


    This law of prosperity deals with the law of generosity. If you expect God to be generous with you then you must be generous with God’s Sons and Daughters and your brothers and sisters.


    The next law of prosperity is you must be happy for other people’s prosperity. For if you are jealous, envious, in competition, and bitter or upset when other people gain prosperity that you do not have, this is the number one quickest way to block yourself from ever having any. What you give to another is what you give to yourself. Your brother and sister is an incarnation of God and there is only one being and we all share that identity, so if you are not happy for other’s abundance even though you do not share it you have only succeeded in sabotaging your own abundance. Does your left hand become upset at the success and health of your right ear? This is how literally absurd being jealous, envious, or unhappy about another’s success is.


    See money as a very Spiritual thing or commodity, not as a dirty thing. Have you ever looked at the back of a dollar bill? It has a pyramid with a capstone crystal on top of it with a third eye coming out through the capstone crystal. In the center of the dollar bill are the words, “In God we trust!” If you think of money as dirty or the root of all evil, which it is not, you will block your prosperity. The creators of the American money were extremely Spiritual people. They were involved in very mystical orders such as the Rosicrusians, and others like it. They put all kinds of esoteric symbols all over the money to spiritualize it. Very important to understand this! A good idea that whenever you give money or write a check, to say a prayer for the money, or bless the money, or charge it with Spiritual energy or stamp your check with some Spiritual words or a Spiritual symbol to use it as a vehicle of Self and God Realization!


    The next law of prosperity is tithing. This is the law of giving ten percent of your monthly income each month to a Spiritual or Godly cause. It may be the source of your Spiritual education, or someplace else if you prefer. The law states, “If you give 10% away, you will receive a tenfold return!”


    The thirty-third law of prosperity is the law of seed money. This is different from tithing. The law of seed money states that you can give away any amount of money to a needy cause and you will receive a tenfold return. So if you want to buy a two thousand dollar computer, the first thing you should do is give away $200. Sounds funny but this is the way the law works. As the Universal Mind through Edgar Cayce said, “Every jot and title of the law will be fulfilled!” We are dealing with universal laws here, not a whimsical God. If you apply these laws they will work every time. God does have discretion in all things, however, if you fulfill the law He will fulfill His Promises! So let it be written! So let it be done!


    The next law of prosperity deals with the importance of paying your bills, so you can begin your prosperity program with all debts paid!


    The next law of prosperity is to understand that prosperity is a state of mind, not how much money you have in your bank account or how many material possessions you have. A person with a billion dollars can be worrying about money and have poverty consciousness. A woman on welfare with ten kids having faith in God and self with no money can have prosperity consciousness!


    The next law of prosperity is that everything in the infinite universe is made of the energy of God or of the energy of the Logos. So all Spiritual and material energy is divine substance or logoic energy or God energy. Since we are co-creators with God and are incarnations of God we have absolute control over this divine substance with the power of our mind, imagination, prayers, and actions! So see the infinite universe as this divine substance when you do your manifestation work!


    The next law of prosperity is to be in integrity in everything you do around your business and money. Take the attitude your customer or client is always right. Obviously never cheat or steal from a customer or take advantage of one. See every customer as an incarnation of God and treat them as such. Be in absolute integrity behind everything you do on every level in your business dealings.


    The next law of prosperity is to call on your superconscious mind, Oversoul, Mighty I Am Presence, the Holy Spirit, the Christ, God, the Archangels and Angels of money and finance, the Seven Mighty Elohim of manifestation and the Ascended ******* for help in your finances. Turn your financial affairs over to Spirit/the Christ within/the Buddha within/the Eternal Self within/God.


    The next law of prosperity is to see your life as God in action on every level bringing money and business opportunities to you like a divine magnet. See the infinite universe working in prosperity in relationship to you!


    The next law of prosperity is to stay very focused in your attention when doing your prosperity and manifestation work. Sometimes the mind has a tendency to wander and this causes a lack of attunement. Be masterful, and disciplined in your efforts, and work your program even three times a day every day until it manifests!
    Time is money, money is energy, pull the energy to your personal abundance. Thanks to Chii I could trade in one day.

    Also Something interesting to watch:

  5. 24-12-2005, 05:50 PM

  6. #4
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    For there is one God,and one mediator between God and men,the man Christ Jesus. Who gave Himself a ransom for all,to be testified in due time. 1timothy 2/5,6

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    I’m not sure what you are actually asking. Sounds more like you are expressing your disappointment. Well sure, I think everyone including Bryan and Sharon are extremely disappointed by the events of this year. However, sitting around and feeling sorry for yourself is not going to help you at all. So my advice would be to snap out of it!
    Look at Bryan Marsden, the founder of PIPS. He has put every ounce of his energy into creating the wonderful opportunity called PIPS only to see it sabotaged. Do you hear Bryan moaning and groaning about it? NO, he his busting is back to put things back in shape and I believe he will be successful in doing that.
    In the meantime I suggest you support his (Bryans’) efforts, at least in spirit and quit feeling sorry for yourself. There are many much worse of than you and they are not all young with a long life ahead of them like you evidently have.

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    Thank you everyone for giving me advice , i'm sorry if my feelings and words do hurt Mr Bryan and Miss Sharon , but from the day till now i still trust on both of them , hope that all of us will have a better life in year 2006. Merry X'mas and Take care everyone. I'll be here most of the time with everyone in ROLClub. Thanks again !

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    And a very merry Christmas to you. I’m sure next year will be much better!

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    We cannot change this past year and I think that I would still have invested in Pips but maybe keep it to myself but as the old saying goes hindsight is twenty-twenty. I went to Hawaii Convention which was paid for by Pips it was beautiful and exciting to see all the other Pipsters. Everyone was so friendly it was like being at a reunion you all had something in common, pips. You would strike up a conversation with a complete stranger and make a new friend. I did meet Bryan and Sharon and some of the staff. Hawaii was a turning point for me, Pips was real. That alone made pips loan worth while after all it was a trip to Hawaii for seven days paid by Pips.I came hme loving Pips and what it could do in my life and for so many others. I shared with over 50 people we all had big plans. We are involved with an new addition on our church and wanted to work with the needy in the surrounding towns. Yes! I too had to get my business back up and running which it has been very slow and I am 58 years old I wanted to retire, not yet, Yes your are working harder right now ,you can do it just look at it as a survival of the fitist or make it a game you have to win the battle in your mind before you will ever think you can accomplish what you have to do. When Pips comes back it will be the prize and you will be older and wiser for it. You can do yes you can!! I'll be your cheerleader God Bless

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    Default lucky you

    You are so lucky to learn this valuable lesson at such a young age. Never invest more than you can afford to lose and don't put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify!!!! If you have $6 left put it into 12dailyPro. If you want to know more about it click onto my home page. Have a good Christmas.

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    Thank you Chester , susiefreaky and webster , actually i'm just only 19 years old. I dont have much dream , just hope tht Pips will change my hard working + studying life so i can continue to study without any finantial worries. I do hope we can meet up in the convention next year. Maybe i'm too lucky on investment things but i hope , all senior member can give me a hint before i make my next decision , but everyone is still depending on pips , cause i put all my eggs in the basket already , but till now never regret for what i have done. Thank you again .

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