This thread is about this. Please stop highjacking it. Thank you.
(If you have issues, start your OWN THREAD!!)

Quote Originally Posted by support4PIPS
Hello to all once again.

I must thank the many of you who have come forward and made donations to the BM/PIPS DEFENSE FUND
over the last couple of days.

This is much more of the pace we need and had hoped for! Please know, your funds will be used to the best advantage of PIPS
in their legal representation.

Here is a summary of the recent posts made by Bryan so you can see them all in one place. Some of his statements pertain to the
fundraiser we are now running.

Through these posts, you can see the importance of members donating at this time for legal advice. I encourage you all to give
what you can.

Here are the details once again ...

Much more is needed to assist with the defense fund. Obviously, we all understand how expensive legal representation is.

I cannot stress enough the importance of this fundraiser! I am calling for you all to please give what you can as soon as you can!

Here are the details again ....


No donation is too large or too small.

This fundraiser will continue indefinitely, or until we announce otherwise.

I sincerely urge you all to give what you can. I am sure you can all understand how important this situation is.

All that is required of you is to SEND AN EMAIL TO ...

[email protected] (gmail not qmail)
Please specify what method you would like to use to make your donation

We now have serveral options available!

You will receive an email with instructions within 24 hours.

This is a very tangible way to support PIPS. Lets get to it!

As always our goal remains ....
