Hello Team:

Moving forward we will be meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5.30 pm pst in the following RFP room:


You and your guests can enter your room using:

User name = any name
Password = guest

Our leaders will be moderators in this room 7 days a week, very soon. As a team, we will work together to fulfill our mission and help everyone complete their matrix.

Those of you who have qualified by helping two affiliates sign up, will have the privilege of being a moderator yourself. You will be able to use this room 24/7 to promote your RFP business.

Also, we will have a full Veretekk portal built for RFP in the upcoming months!!! Very exciting, as well.

Once you have qualified and are interested in being a moderator. See you tomorrow at 5.30 pm pst.

Have a great day. Blue's link http://gooddeal.riskfreeprofit.com