Criticism of the Bible Collection
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Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Barrera - The Jewish Bible and The Christian Bible; An Introduction to the History of the Bible (1998).pdf 41.11 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Brodie - The Quest for the Origin of John's Gospel; A Source-Oriented Approach (1993).pdf 10.98 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Calvert-Koyzis - Strangely Familiar; Protofeminist Interpretations of Patriarchal Biblical Texts (2009).pdf 2.40 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Clarke - The Fourth Gospel; The Questions of its Origin Stated and Discussed (1886).pdf 797.67 KB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Dunderberg - The Beloved Disciple in Conflict; Revisiting the Gospels of John and Thomas (2006).pdf 1.26 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Gregory & Tuckett - The Reception of the New Testament in the Apostolic Fathers (2005).pdf 5.50 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Jackson - The Problem of the Fourth Gospel (1918).pdf 15.00 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Mangasarian - The Bible Unveiled (1911).pdf 4.54 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Mazur - Bible Stories; A Sociologist Looks at Implausible Beliefs in Genesis (, 2007).pdf 187.55 KB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Pelikan - Whose Bible is it; A History of the Scriptures through the Ages (2005).pdf 8.08 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Reventlow & Hoffman - Creation in Jewish Christian Tradition (2002).pdf 19.55 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Richey - Roman Imperial Ideology and the Gospel of John (2007).pdf 4.33 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Richmond - The Gospel of the Rejection; A Study in the Relation of the Fourth Gospel to the Three (1906).pdf 7.09 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Ruprecht - This Tragic Gospel; How John Corrupted the Heart of Christianity (2008).pdf 3.08 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Sanday - The Criticism of the Fourth Gospel (1905).pdf 9.86 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Sense - A Free Inquiry into the Origin of the Fourth Gospel (1899).djvu 17.49 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Stanton - Jesus and Gospel (2004).pdf 2.81 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Thatcher - What we Have Heard from the Beginning The Past, Present, and Future of Johannine Studies (2007).pdf 4.32 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Vaganay - An Introduction to New Testament Textual Criticism (1991).pdf 8.88 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 10 (The 4th Gospel)/Whybray - The Making of the Pentateuch; A Methodological Study (1994).pdf 13.21 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Borg - Reading the Bible Again for the First Time (2001).pdf 650.01 KB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Ehrman - How Bibles Fails to Answer Why We Suffer (2008).pdf 9.26 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Elliot - The Collected Biblical Writings of T.C. Skeat (2004).pdf 5.14 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Fanning - Verbal Aspect in New Testament Greek (1990).pdf 52.87 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Fitzpatrick-McKinley - The Transformation of Torah from Scribal Advice to Law (1999).pdf 9.90 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Kidd - The Forging of Races; Race and Scripture in the Protestant Atlantic World, 1600 - 2000 (2006).pdf 2.02 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Latvus - God, Anger and Ideology; The Anger of God in Joshua and Judges (1998).pdf 5.16 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/McConnell - The Bible and the Narrative Tradition (1986).pdf 6.74 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Neagoe - The Trial of the Gospel; An Apologetic Reading of Luke's Trial Narratives (2004).pdf 1.21 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Niditch - War in the Hebrew Bible; A Study in the Ethics of Violence (1993).pdf 8.64 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/O'Donoghue - Theology and Mythology; An Inquiry into the Claims of Biblical Inspiration (1880).pdf 8.93 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Palmer - Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs (1897).pdf 2.80 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Perrin - Lost in Transmission; What We Can and Cannot Know about the Words of Jesus (2007).pdf 4.10 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Riches & Sim - The Gospel of Matthew in its Roman Imperial Context (2005).pdf 3.32 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Rogerson - Oxford Handbook of Biblical Studies (2006).pdf 6.22 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Thoughts of a Free Thinker (1900).pdf 1.73 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Tov - Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible, and Qumran; Collected Essays.pdf 11.05 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Tsumura - The Earth & the Waters in Genesis 1 & 2; A Linguistic Investigation (1989).pdf 10.79 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Wiener - Essays in Pentateuchal Criticism (1909).pdf 12.64 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 11/Wurthwein - The Text of the Old Testament, An Introduction to the Biblia Hebraica (1988).djvu 61.75 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Besant - Is the Bible Indictable; An Enquiry whether the Bible is Obscene Literature (1877).pdf 1.92 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Buss - Biblical Form Criticism in Its Context (1999).pdf 27.60 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Camp - Wise, Strange and Holy; The Strange Woman and the Making of the Bible (2000).pdf 5.96 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Carr - The Erotic Word; Sexuality, Spirituality and the Bible (2003).pdf 11.30 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Davies - Whose Bible is it Anyway (1995).pdf 11.88 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Ellens - Sex in the Bible; A New Consideration (2006).pdf 2.80 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Exum - Fragmented Women; Feminist (Sub)versions of Biblical Narratives (1993).pdf 9.44 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Goodwin - Lovers Three Thousand Years Ago as Indicated by the Song of Solomon (1895).pdf 1.74 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Greene-McCreight - Feminist Reconstructions of Christian Doctrine; Narrative Analysis and Appraisal (2000).pdf 10.96 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Handley - A Declaration on Biblical Criticism by 1725 Clergy of the Anglican Communion (1906).pdf 16.22 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Harris - Sex, Ideology and Religion; The Representation of Women in the Bible (1984).pdf 4.34 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Hawkins & Stahlberg - Scrolls of Love; Reading Ruth and the Song of Songs (2006).pdf 5.03 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Kaltner - The Uncensored Bible; The Bawdy and Naughty Bits of the Good Book (2008).pdf 2.11 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Kamionkowski - Gender Reversal and Cosmic Chaos; A Study on the Book of Ezekiel (2003).pdf 10.45 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Moughtin-Mumby - Sexual and Marital Metaphors in Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel (2008).pdf 3.36 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Newman - Biblical Religion and Family Values; A Problem in the Philosophy of Culture (2001).pdf 3.42 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Odell - Ezekiel; A Smyth and Helwys Bible Commentary (2005).pdf 12.53 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Stiebert - Construction of Shame in the Hebrew Bible (2002).pdf 12.59 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/The Blackwell Companion to the New Testament (2010).pdf 5.45 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 12 (Erotica in the Bible)/Thompson - Writing the Wrongs; Women of the Old Testament among Biblical Commentators from Philo through the Reformation (2001).pdf 19.92 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Broyles - The Conflict of Faith and Experience in the Psalms; A Form-Critical and Theological Study (1988).pdf 11.28 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Cameron - Redescribing Christian Origins (2004).pdf 1.87 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Clines - What does Eve Do to Help, and Other Readerly Questions to the Old Testament (1990).pdf 8.57 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Coogan - The Old Testament; A Very Short Introduction (2008).pdf 4.39 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Duggan & Pippin - Mother Goose, Mother Jones, Mommie Dearest; Biblical Mothers and their Children (2009).pdf 1.25 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/01_Forged.mp3 14.12 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/02_Forged.mp3 14.07 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/03_Forged.mp3 14.05 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/04_Forged.mp3 14.02 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/05_Forged.mp3 14.18 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/06_Forged.mp3 14.06 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/07_Forged.mp3 14.23 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/08_Forged.mp3 14.06 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/09_Forged.mp3 14.01 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/10_Forged.mp3 7.46 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Ehrman - Forged; Writing in the Name of God (AudioBook, 2011)/Forged by Ehrman.pdf 1.71 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Forged by Ehrman.pdf 1.71 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Krans - Beyond what is Written; Erasmus and Beza as Conjectural Critics of the New Testament (2006).pdf 10.68 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Metzger - The Early Versions of the New Testament; Their Origin, Transmission, and Limitations (1977).pdf 28.08 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Scorgie - The Challenge of Bible Translation; Communicating God?s Word to the World (2003).pdf 2.38 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Strelan - Luke the Priest; The Authority of the Author of the Third Gospel (2008).pdf 1.09 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 13 (Forged)/Wrede - The Origin of the New Testament (1909).pdf 8.98 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 14 (Asimov's Guide to the Bible)/Asimov's Guide to the Bible, Vol. 1, The Old Testament (1981).pdf 90.41 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 14 (Asimov's Guide to the Bible)/Asimov's Guide to the Bible, Vol. 2, The New Testament (1981).pdf 81.25 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 14 (Asimov's Guide to the Bible)/Friedman - The Bible With Sources Revealed (2003).PDF 40.63 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Benedix - Subverting Scriptures; Critical Reflections on the Use of the Bible (2009).pdf 1.35 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Besant - Freethinkers Textbook, Part II; Christianity, Its Evidence, Origin, Morality & History (1889).pdf 627.80 KB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Bonner - Christianity and Conduct (1919).pdf 9.23 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Daly - When Slavery was Called Freedom; Evangelicalism, Proslavery, and the Causes of the Civil War (2002).pdf 1.08 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Daschke & Kille (eds.) - A Cry Instead of Justice; The Bible and Cultures of Violence in Psychological Perspective (2010).pdf 1.20 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Dell - Ethical and Unethical in the Old Testament; God and Humans in Dialogue (2010).pdf 1.55 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Engelke - A Problem of Presence; Beyond Scripture in an African Church (2007).pdf 3.26 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Fiala - What would Jesus Really Do; The Power and Limits of Jesus' Moral Teachings (2007).pdf 1.59 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Fox - The Ethics and Theology of the Old Testament (1918).pdf 9.36 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Gill (ed.) - The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics (2001).pdf 1.65 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Graham - The Contrast; The Bible and Abolitionism (1844).pdf 3.55 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Green - The Born Again Skeptic's Guide to the Bible (1979).pdf 16.63 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Hoose (ed.) - Christian Ethics; An Introduction (1998).pdf 18.20 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Ingersoll - Some Mistakes of Moses, 10th ed. (1889).pdf 9.93 MB
Criticism of the Bible - Collection 15 (Ethics & Morality)/Lecky - History of European Morals from Augustus to Charlemagne, Vol. I, 3rd ed. (1917).pdf 28.24 MB

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