Chess Research Tools III - Chess Books
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Third part of Chess Research Series:

My collection of chess books up to 2011:
Tricky Chess Tactics - F. Wilson.pdf
Instructional Chess Games - H. Ponentz.pdf
Art of Attack In Chess - V. Vukovic.pdf
Attacking with 1.e4 - J. Emms.pdf
Better Chess For Average Players - T. Harding.pdf
Capablanca Best Chess Endings - I. Chernev.pdf
Chess Explained - The c3 Sicilian - S. Collins - 2007.pdf
Chess Openings For Black Explained - A Complete Repertoire - L. Alburt.pdf
Defensa Siciliana - Variante Najdorf - J. Cherta.pdf
Dynamic Chess Strategy - M. Suba.pdf
Excelling At Positional Chess - Aagaard.pdf
Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games, Volume 1 - I. Stohl - 2005.pdf
Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games, Volume 2 - I. Stohl - 2005.pdf
How to Play Chess Openings - E. A. Znosko-Borovsky.pdf
Improve Your Opening Play - Ch. Ward.pdf
In the Sicilian Labyrinths - L. Polugaevsky - 2003.djvu
Just The Facts - Winning Endgame Knowledge Vol.1 - L. Alburt.pdf
Karpov's Strategic Wins 1 - Tibor Karolyi - 2011.pdf
Karpov's Strategic Wins 2 - Tibor Karolyi - 2011.pdf
Kasparov - Karpov - World Chess Championship - 1990.pdf
Kasparov and Deep Blue - B. Pandolfini.pdf
Kasparov Teaches Chess - G. Kasparov.pdf
Kasparov's Chess Openings - A World Champion's Repertoire - O. Borik.pdf
King's Indian with g3 - B. Leonid - 1990.pdf
Mastering Chess Tactics - N. McDonald - 2002.pdf
Mastering the Sicilian - D. Kopec - 2001.pdf
Modern Benoni - Survey of a Structure - S. Zeuthen.pdf
Modern Chess Stategy - L. Pachman.pdf
My 60 Memorable Games - B. Fischer.pdf
My System - 21st Century Ed - A. Nimzowitsch.pdf
Nunn's Chess Opening - J. Nunn.pdf
On Fisher My Great Predecessors IV - G. Kasparov.pdf
Pirc Alert - A Complete Defence Against 1. e4 - L. Alburt.pdf
Play Like a Grandmaster - A. Kotov.pdf
Play the French - J. L. Watson.pdf
Play The King's Indian - J. Gallagher.pdf
Play The Nimzo-Indian Defence - P. Gligoric - 1985.pdf
Queen's Gambit Declined - M. Sadler.pdf
Queens Gambit for the Attacking Player - Burgess - Pedersen - 1994.pdf
Sacrifices in the Sicilian 2nd Ed - D. N. L. Levy.pdf
School of Chess Excellence 2 - Tactical Play Vol. 8 - M. Dvoretsky.pdf
School of Chess Excellence 3 - Strategic Play Vol. 9 - M. Dvoretsky.pdf
School of Chess Excellence 4 - Opening Developments - M. Dvoretsky.pdf
Secrets of Practical Chess - J. Nunn.pdf
Secrets of the Sicilian Dragon Revised - Gufer, Schiller - 2011.pdf
Sicilian Scheveningen 3rd Ed - G. Kasparov - 1991.pdf
Sicilian Sozin B86-87 - Beliavsky.pdf
Sicilian Sveshnikov - J. Hodgson.pdf
Starting Out - Closed Sicilian - R. Palliser - 2006.pdf
Starting Out - Minor Piece Endgames - J. Emms.pdf
Starting Out - The Grunfeld - J. Aagaard - 2003.pdf
Starting Out - The King's Indian - J. Gallagher - 2002.pdf
Starting Out - The Nimzo-Indian - C. Ward.pdf
Starting Out - The Sicilian - J. Emms.pdf
The 1...a6 Slav - G. Flear - 2003.pdf
The 2.f4 Sicilian - N. Davies.pdf
The Alterman Gambit Guide - B. Alterman - 2010.pdf
The Complete *****'s Guide to Chess Openings - W. Aramil - 2008.pdf
The Complete Pirc - J. Nunn.pdf
The Development of Chess Style - M. Euwe - J. Nunn.pdf
The French Defence - Classical System - O. V. Stetsko - 2004.pdf
The New Classical King's Indian - J. Nunn - 1997.pdf
The Rules of Chess - Jason Hofferle.pdf
The Scandinavian - J. Emms.pdf
Think Like a Grandmaster - A. Kotov.pdf
Torrent downloaded from
True Lies in Chess - L. C. Fabrego - 2007.pdf
Understanding the Chess Openings - Queen's Indian Defense - A. Soltis.pdf
Understanding The Grunfeld - J. Rowson.pdf
Winning Chess Brilliancies - Y. Seirawan.pdf
Winning Pawn Structures - A. Baburin.pdf
Winning with the French - W. Uhlmann.pdf
Winning With The Sicilian - M. Taimanov.pdf
Winning.Chess.Openings - Y. Seirawan - 2003.pdf

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