Electricity Books l 4.25 GB

Eric Dollard - Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave.pdf
Eric Dollard - Teluric Currents Paper.pdf
Eric Dollard - Theory of Wireless Power.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electromagnetic Theory Vol 1.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electromagnetic Theory Vol 2.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electromagnetic Theory Vol 3.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electromagnetic Waves.pdf
Kennelly Arthur_Application of Hyperbolic Functions to Electrical Engineering Problems.pdf
Kennelly Aurthur_Impedance-Angular-Velocities-amp-Frequencies-of-Oscillating-Currents.pdf
Kennelly Aurthur_Tables of Complex Hyperbolic and Cicular Functions.pdf
Kennelly Aurthur_Vector-Power-in-Alternating-Current-Circuits.pdf
Maxwell JC -Scientific Papers 01.pdf
Maxwell JC -Scientific Papers 02.pdf
Nikola Telsa - The_Inventions_Researches_and_Writings.pdf
Nikola Tesla - Colorado-Springs-Notes.pdf
Nikola Tesla - Lectures, Patents, Articles.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Complex-Quantities-and-Their-Use-in-Electrical-Engineering.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Electrical Discharges Waves and Impulses 2ndEd.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Engineering Mathematics.pdf
Steinmetz CP_General Lectures on Electrical Engineering.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Radiation-Light and Illumination.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Symbolic-Representation-of-General-Alternating-Waves-and-Double-Frequency-Vectors-1.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Theory and Calculation of Transient Electric Phenomena and Oscillations.pdf
Steinmetz CP_Theory and Calculations of Electrical Apparatus.pdf
Steinmetz CP-Abnormal-Strains-in-Transformers-1912.pdf
Steinmetz CP-Electrical-Disturbances-the-Nature-of-Electrical-Energy-1912.pdf
Steinmetz CP-Electric-Transients-1911.pdf
Steinmetz CP-General-Equations-of-the-Electric-Circuit-Pt1-1908.pdf
Steinmetz CP-Magnetic-Reluctivity.pdfSteinmetz CP-Theory-amp-Calculation-of-Alternating-Current-Phenonena-4th-Ed-2nd-Imp-1908.pdf
Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves by Eric Dollard.pdf
Alexander MacFarlane_PHYSICAL MATHEMATICS.pdf
Alexander MacFarlane_Principles-of-Elliptic-and-Hyperbolic-Analysis-1894.pdf
Alexander McFarlane_Lectures on ten British physicists of the nineteenth century.pdf
Alexander McFarlane_Principles of the algerbra of logic.pdf
Alexander McFarlane_Utility of Quaternions in Physics.pdf
Alexander McFarLane_Vector Analysis and Quaternions.pdf
Concerning the Excitation of Electrical Waves Through Parameter Changes English translation 1934.pdf
Fortescue - Method-of-Symmetrical-Co-Ordinates-Applied-to-the-Solution-of-Polyphase-Networks.pdf
FORTESCUE C.L._Method-of-Symmetrical-Co-Ordinates-Applied-to-the-Solution-of-Polyphase-Networks.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electrical_papers Vol 1.pdf
Heaviside Oliver - Electrical_papers Vol 2.pdf
MacFarlane A_Papers on Space Analysis- Imaginary Algebra.pdf
Steinmetz CP _Discussion on 'The effect of iron in distorting Alternating-Current Wave-Form.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 1 VRIL White Ray Conductors-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 10 VRIL and Electric Ray Transmitters-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 11 VRIL and ELF Devices-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 2 VRIL Telegraphy-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 3 VRIL Linkage-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 4 VRIL Archeforms-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 6 VRIL Telephony-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 7 VRIL Dendritic Ground Systems-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 8 VRIL And Ground Radio-.pdf
VRIL Compendium Vol 9 VRIL and Aerial Radio-.pdf


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