WSO - SKWeaver - Super HOT Topic Converts Like Crazy in Health & Fitness Niche

WSO - SKWeaver - Super HOT Topic Converts Like Crazy in Health & Fitness Niche

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to the "Fire Up Your Core" eBook

Developing Core Strength is a Super Hot Topic right now -- especially in the Health, Fitness, Exercise and Bodybuilding niches. It's also very popular in the Weight Loss and Dieting markets. When the body's core muscles are strong, it's easier to strengthen and tone the rest of the muscles in the body. Because the body burns more calories to maintain lean muscle mass, having a strong core also aids in weight loss.

Fire Up Your Core is an illustrated eBook which explains the basics of developing the core and includes 30 exercises which are proven to build core strength.

I developed this eBook for use on one of my blogs. However, it has never been used. (The only reason I am selling it now is because I'm in a tight spot, financially.) Although I intended to use Fire Up Your Core as a giveaway for list building, you can use it however you please:
Sell it
Give it away
Use it as a bonus
Put it on a membership site
Use it to pre-sell affiliate products
Break it up into articles
Do whatever you want...
You receive full Private Label Rights. The only thing you can't do is sell it as PLR.

eBook Content
The eBook is 20 pages long, NOT including the title page and disclaimer page.

There are 8 pages of professionally-written content, including the following:
Benefits of Doing Core Strength Exercises
Muscles in the Core
Causes of Weak Core Muscles
Back Pain and Core Strength
How Can I Tell if My Core Muscles are Weak?
What is Core Training?

There are 12 pages of exercises. A total of 30 exercises are included. 12 are illustrated with pics and described in text (see sample, below); the remaining 18 are described in text without pics.

If you want find other course and tutorial . You can send mail to: [email protected] .
We will support . Thank You !
