Brian Tracy - start

Brian Tracy - start
Every year 2,000,000 men and women start a business - and so can you!

Brian Tracy, one of the top business teachers, trainers and authors in the world today, shows you how, starting with little or nothing...You Can Achieve Financial Independence!

In this practical, proven 12 lecture program, you'll learn these priceless lessons to set you on the road to business success:
The Keys to Entrepreneurial Success
Selecting the Right Product or Service
Planning for Profitability
Marketing, Selling and Customer Service
Winning the Hearts and Minds of Customers
Selling Your Way to the Top
Closing the Sale
Becoming a Master Negotiator
Financing Your Business
All Business is People Business
Improving Your Personal Productivity
Increasing Your Profits/Balancing Your Work and Personal Life

These lectures have also been included in Business Success Made Simple by Brian Tracy

Plus: PDF Workbook with Notes and Application Exercises for each lesson! On page 1 of the workbook PDF, click the link to receive over $100 worth of bonus materials

Special Bonus: Access more than $100 worth of online resources to build your business faster; an Entrepreneurial Skills Assessment to discover your strengths and weaknesses, and breakthrough opportunities, plus 30 priceless video lessons for business success.

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