Options Trading 101 From Options University

Options Trading 101 From Options University

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Options 101 is a solid value for the beginning stock option trader wanting to nail down the basics.

Options University Options 101 CourseThe Options 101 Course lives up to its billing. Like any '101' course that you might take at your local university, the Options 101 Course provides a solid introduction to stock option trading.

This is a home study course, designed to allow you to work at your own pace. The materials include a course manual of more than 175 pages covering basic information and more than ten option strategies in detail.

Included in the 101 course is Options University's option scanning software, a CD containing video tutorials for each of the option strategies covered in the manual, and audio recordings. You will also receive copies their 'Proper Application of Strategy to Selection' and 'Introduction to Options' videos.

The curriculum includes a review of stock option definitions and other related terms. You will be introduced to concepts related to option premium, time decay, intrinsic versus extrinsic value, and volatility. Directional trading of calls and puts is detailed, followed by a transition to covered writes, protective puts, and collars. Some advanced subjects are also touched upon.

In the interest of full-disclosure, it should be noted that the Options 101 course is a lead-in to Options University's flagship Options Mastery program. The Options Mastery program is much more comprehensive and does include the Options 101 materials in the purchase price, but carries a higher price tag reflecting the significantly expanded curriculum. Options University is also working on an intermediate product, which they are calling the Advanced Options Course and will include the full Options 101 curriculum plus an additional course manual covering advanced strategies including spread trading, straddles, strangles, butterflies, and condors.

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