Garrett Pierson-106 Traffic Generation Strategies

Garrett Pierson-106 Traffic Generation Strategies

In this report, we explain how you can identify which traffic generation strategies best fit you and your market. No one can execute or use all 106 of the strategies and resources in the report, nor would we ever suggest doing so.

What you need to do is review the strategies, tools and resources within this report and use the ones that seem easiest and most relevant to you. Then all you need to do is go out and implement them!

The report is separated into the following categories to help you narrow down your traffic generation strategy:

- Social Media Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Article Marketing
- Social Bookmarking
- Video Marketing
- Podcast/Audio Marketing
- Search Engine Optimization
- Paid Search Marketing
- Local Media Marketing
- Press Release Marketing
- Offline Marketing
- Joint Venture Marketing
- Email Marketing
- Mobile Marketing

As we said, we would never expect nor suggest that you include all 106 strategies into your marketing campaign. What we do suggest, however, is for you to select 1-2 items from each of the 14 categories and really master those. Then move on to others.

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