Jay Abrahams 2008 Brain Trust Seminar a.k.a. Reunion-Reunion

Jay Abrahams 2008 Brain Trust Seminar a.k.a. Reunion-Reunion

Jay Abrahams 2008 Brain Trust Seminar

Try Out My Complete
Four-Day Business BrainTrust
Double Platinum/Special Edition' Collection
(includes both DVDs and CDs of
The entire experience)"


A seminar from April 2008 with Jay and 25 speakers. Similar to the mastermind CD set we have here. This one comes with the CD's and DVDs!!!! Listen to it in the car or on the couch! This is a must have for thevault!

Here is what we get:

When you listed the nine ways business owners get stuck today I related to ALL nine, because:

My business or product/service IS losing out to competitors.

I/we can't seem to get above a certain, frustrating level of sales and disappointing profit levels.

Our sales DON'T come automatically, regularly or consistently.

I/we DON'T operate strategically or proactively.

Our/my costs and expenses ARE eating me alive.

I keep doing more and more, but it's working less and less.

My business (or sales positioning in my market) and product/service HAVE become a commodity.

My/our marketing IS mediocresometimes even outright ineffective AND I don't have a clue about what to do differently.

I'm doing almost everything myself. No leverage.

I'm working hard for my business or career. Its NOT working hard for me!

But I want to dramatically change all that - and start doing it right without cost - in the next 45 days.

If you want find other course and tutorial . You can send mail to: [email protected] .
We will support for you . Thank You !
