Wake Up Productive - Eben Pagan

Wake Up Productive - Eben Pagan

Sale Page : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Eben-Pagans-...-/180662927822
Dear Friend,

My name is Eben Pagan.

Over the past few years, I've made important discoveries that have helped me at least DOUBLE my productivity - and "accidentally" lose about 25 pounds while I was at it.

Even better is the way I FEEL. I have much better ability to FOCUS, and at least double the physical energy.

I accomplished all of this without using ANY of the traditional "time management" techniques - like calendars, checklists, and "tickler systems."

In fact, the methods I used to increase my focus and productivity are so powerful that they've changed me on the INSIDE.

The methods are now habits that have become permanent. I'd like to share with you the story of how I discovered these important techniques - and how YOU can use them to manage your time better and get more done in less time? all while improving your health and mental focus.

But first, I want to let you in on something:

I am a "business book" NUT.

I've read them all.

And been to the seminars, too.

I've tried so many different organization and time management systems, you'd think I was going for the RECORD or something.

And here's what I found:

Every one of them had some "good stuff" - and some stuff that was useless to me.

But some of them had some techniques that actually made my life WORSE.

Yes, you read that right. Some of the things I learned and tried out actually made me less organized and productive (which is hard to imagine, because I'm a pretty disorganized person naturally).

One seminar I went to gave you a big, leather-bound, zippered "planner" - filled with beautifully-designed calendar and checklist pages.

The idea was to plan what you were going to do each week with some of the pages, then transfer your checklists to the individual dates, prioritize your activities, and then do them in the "prioritized order."

I think I used it for a week.

Another system I studied had you put all your different activities into boxes, and then see how some of the boxes were more important than others.

Great idea, but it didn't get me to DO anything.

Still another system I studied taught me to do one type of activity per DAY. Other types of activities got their own entire DAYS.

That one never had a chance with me. I just have too many different types of things going on to wait for a different day to do them?

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