Early Church Fathers eBooks Collection l PDF l 1.96 GB

The Early Church Fathers were early and influential theologians, eminent Christian teachers and great bishops. Their scholarly works were used as a precedent for centuries to come. The term is used of writers and teachers of the Church, not necessarily "saints", though most are honored as saints in the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and Anglican Churches, as well as in some other Christian groups and are generally recognized as Church Fathers

Apostolic Fathers: The earliest Church Fathers, (within two generations of the Twelve apostles of Christ) are usually called the Apostolic Fathers since they were taught directly by the twelve. Important Apostolic Fathers include: Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, and Polycarp of Smyrna

Greek Fathers: Those who wrote in Greek are called the Greek (Church) Fathers. Important Greek Fathers include: Clement of Rome, Irenaeus of Lyons, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Athanasius of Alexandria, John Chrysostom, Cyril of Alexandria, the Cappadocian Fathers (Basil of Caesarea, Gregory Nazianzus, Peter of Sebaste, Gregory of Nyssa), Maximus the Confessor, and John of Damascus

Latin Fathers: Those fathers who wrote in Latin are called the Latin (Church) Fathers. Important Latin Fathers include: Tertullian, Cyprian of Carthage, Hilary of Poitiers, Ambrose of Milan, Jerome of Stridonium, Augustine of Hippo, Gregory the Great, and Isidore of Seville


A PDF collection of 242 eBooks about the Early Church Fathers
eBooks are sorted on publisher's name

Abingdon Press Kyrios Christos, A History of the Belief in Christ from the Beginnings of Christianity to Irenaeus (1970).pdf
Ashgate Publishing Catholicity and Heresy in the Early Church (2009).pdf
Ashgate Publishing Doctrine and Philosophy in Early Christianity, Arius Athanasius Augustine (2000) (no OCR).pdf
Ashgate Publishing Evagrius and Gregory, Mind Soul and Body in the 4th Century (2009).pdf
Ashgate Publishing From Clement to Origen, The Social and Historical Context of the Church Fathers (2006).pdf
Ashgate Publishing Jerome of Stridon, His Life Writings and Legacy (2009).pdf
Ashgate Publishing Origen Against Plato (2002) (no OCR).pdf
Bennett and Bloom Publishing Maximus the Confessor and Georgia (2009) (no OCR).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Augustine (2005).pdf
Blackwell Publishing Divine Illumination, The History and Future of Augustine's Theory of Knowledge (2011).pdf
Boydell Press Aelfric's Life of Saint Basil the Great, Background and Context (2006).pdf
Brill Publishing Angelomorphic Pneumatology, Clement of Alexandria and Other Early Christian Witnesses (2009).pdf
Brill Publishing Augustine's Confessions, Communicative Purpose and Audience (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing Clement of Alexandria on Trial, The Evidence of Heresy from Photius' Bibliotheca (2010).pdf
Brill Publishing Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop and City (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing Dictionary of Gregory of Nyssa (2010).pdf
Brill Publishing Encounters with Hellenism, Studies on the First Letter of Clement (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing Esoteric Teaching in the Stromateis of Clement of Alexandria (2009).pdf
Brill Publishing Establishing Boundaries, Christian-Jewish Relations in Early Council Texts and the Writings of Church Fathers (2010).pdf
Brill Publishing Evil, Freedom and the Road to Perfection in Clement of Alexandria (1999).pdf
Brill Publishing Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing Gregory of Nyssa, The Letters (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing Gregory of Nyssa, The Minor Treatises on Trinitarian Theology and Apollinarism (2011).pdf
Brill Publishing Handbook of Patristic Exegesis, The Bible in Ancient Christianity (2 Vols) (2004).pdf
Brill Publishing In Search of Truth, Augustine Manichaeism and Other Gnosticism (2011).pdf
Brill Publishing Irenaeus on Creation, The Cosmic Christ and the Saga of Redemption (2008).pdf
Brill Publishing Jerome's Hebrew Philology, A Study Based on his Commentary on Jeremiah (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing Origen, Cosmology and Ontology of Time (2006) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Brill Publishing Origen, Philosophy of History and Eschatology (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing St. Cyril of Alexandria the Christological Controversy, Its History Theology and Texts (1994) (no OCR).pdf
Brill Publishing The Dyophysite Christology of Cyril of Alexandria (2009).pdf
Brill Publishing The Imperial Cult and the Development of Church Order, Concepts and Images of Authority in Paganism and Early Christianity (1999).pdf
Brill Publishing The Trinitarian Theology of Hilary of Poitiers (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentary on Daniel (2006).pdf
Brill Publishing Trinity and Man, Gregory of Nyssa's Ad Ablabium (2007).pdf
Brill Publishing What Did Ezekiel See, Christian Exegesis of Ezekiel's Vision of the Chariot from Irenaeus to Gregory the Great (2005).pdf
Brill Publishing Words Imagery and the Mystery of Christ, A Reconstruction of Cyril of Alexandria's Christology (2000).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine and the Trinity (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine's Inner Dialogue, The Philosophical Soliloquy in Late Antiquity (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine's Intellectual Conversion, The Journey from Platonism to Christianity (2009).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine, Ancient Thought Baptized (1994).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine, On the Free Choice of the Will On Grace and Free Choice (2010).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine, On the Trinity Books 8-15 (2002).pdf
Cambridge University Press Augustine, Political Writings (2001).pdf
Cambridge University Press Christ and the Just Society in the Thought of Augustine (2004).pdf
Cambridge University Press Christianization and Communication in Late Antiquity, John Chrysostom and his Congregation in Antioch (2006).pdf
Cambridge University Press Clement of Alexandria (2005).pdf
Cambridge University Press Companion to Augustine (2001).pdf
Cambridge University Press Evil and the Augustinian Tradition (2004).pdf
Cambridge University Press Gregory of Nazianzus, Autobiographical Poems (1996).pdf
Cambridge University Press Gregory the Great and His World (1997).pdf
Cambridge University Press History of the Bible Vol. 1, From the Beginnings to Jerome (1975).pdf
Cambridge University Press Irenaeus of Lyons (2001).pdf
Cambridge University Press Johannine Christology and the Early Church (1970).pdf
Cambridge University Press Origen and the Jews, Studies in Jewish-Christian Relations in 3rd-Century Palestine (1976).pdf
Cambridge University Press Sacred Violence, African Christians and Sectarian Hatred in the Age of Augustine (2011).pdf
Cambridge University Press Tertullian and the Church (1995).pdf
Cambridge University Press Tertullian, First Theologian of the West (2001) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Catechetical Oration of Gregory of Nyssa (1903) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Hope of the Early Church, A Handbook of Patristic Eschatology (1991).pdf
Cambridge University Press The New Testament Text of Saint Ambrose (1959).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Philosophy of Clement of Alexandria (1957).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Spiritual Gospel, The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel in the Early Church (1960).pdf
Cambridge University Press The Thought of Gregory the Great (1988).pdf
Catholic University of America Press Freedom and Necessity, St. Augustine's Teaching on Divine Power and Human Freedom (2007).pdf
Catholic University of America Press Funeral Orations by Saint Gregory Nazianzen and Saint Ambrose (1968).pdf
Catholic University of America Press Tertullian's Aduersus Iudaeos, A Rhetorical Analysis (2008).pdf
Catholic University of America Press To Know God and the Soul, Essays on the Thought of Saint Augustine (2008).pdf
Communio Books Cosmic Liturgy, The Universe According to Maximus the Confessor (1988) (Scan, OCR).pdf
Continuum International Publishing Augustine, A Guide for the Perplexed (2010).pdf
Continuum International Publishing Saint Augustine and the Theory of Just War (2006).pdf
Continuum International Publishing St Augustine of Hippo, The Christian Transformation of Political Philosophy (2005).pdf
Cornell University Press Golden Mouth, The Story of John Chrysostom Ascetic Preacher Bishop (1995) (no OCR).pdf
Edwin Mellen Press Ancient Jewish-Christian Dialogues, Athanasius and Zacchaeus Simon and Theophilus Timothy and Aquila (2004).pdf
Fordham University Press Seducing Augustine, Bodies Desires Confessions (2010).pdf
Fordham University Press With Christ in Prison, Jesuits in Jail from St. Ignatius to the Present (2000).pdf

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