Lisa Sasevich - Speak to Sell Bootcamp

Lisa Sasevich - Speak to Sell Bootcamp
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Imagine - In Just Three Days, You'll Be Ready to Step Into the Spotlight With A Signature Talk That You Love, Irresistible Offers That Sell and all the Confidence That Comes with Being Prepared!

No more stepping over $1,000s in missed opportunity every time you speak. No more stressful, panicked late nights struggling to create your talk and offers for your gig the next day. No more wondering when you're going to finally get out there with your gifts and be seen!

This is the first step! You'll have everything you need to take advantage of the most powerful marketing tool around - Speaking!

lisa sasevich

Monday, 12:46 PM PDT
From the Desk of Lisa Sasevich

Dear Fellow Speaker (Yes YOU my friend!),
Any of this sound familiar?

Getting out there to speak about what you love is your dream, but you have no idea where to start.

Every time you speak you hear "Wow, I LOVE what you said, and I'll FOR SURE have to work with you ONE OF THESE DAYS."

You're lucky to sell 1 or 2 packages when you speak (you usually sell nada)

You know speaking is a great way to market your business, so why is it such a struggle to actually sell anything? You're frustrated and thinking about throwing in the towel - it really shouldn't be this difficult.
When you ARE asked to speak, you're up all night preparing. Worse, you find yourself crafting unique talks EVERY time you speak. (There has to be an easier way, right?)

Or maybe you go the other way and "wing it" - leaving it up to your intuition and the Universe. You do better when you don't plan anyway, right? Really? Be honest here. Besides, do you REALLY want to let your results happen by chance?

You've taken speaking courses before, and when you try and follow what they teach, you feel slimy and inauthentic. But when you speak from the heart, you make zero sales. You long to be able to make money while also contributing to and connecting with your audience.

You know you're sitting on a goldmine and you're ready to finally dig that gold up and cash it in! (And since you know speaking is the #1 way to do that you want a step-by-step system so you can create a Signature Talk that Sells without being Salesy as fast as possible!)

If any of this rings true, then I have a special treat for you. I'd like to invite you to the FIRST and ONLY speaking-to-sell training program designed for heart-centered, conscious entrepreneurs and agents of change - "The Invisible Close Speak-to-Sell LIVE Bootcamp: Step into the Spotlight with a Talk that you Love, Irresistible Offers that Sell and all the Confidence that comes with being Prepared!"

If you want find other course and tutorial . You can send mail to: [email protected] .
We will support for you . Thank You !
