Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad's Guide to Raising Your Child's Financial IQ (1 CD (MP3)]

Rich Dad's Guide to Raising Your Child's Financial IQby Rober Kiyosaki with Sharon L. Lechter
Ensure Your Child's Financial Success
If you've been telling your children, "Go to college, get good grades and work at a large company until you retire" you may be dooming them to a paycheck to paycheck existence. The road to success will be very different for our children than it was for our parents. Our children cannot rely on life-time employment and retirement checks.
What is the answer? According to Robert Kiyosaki, the best selling author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad," we must stop raising our children to think like employees and must instead teach them to think like business owners and investors. Their ability to understand the importance of creating passive income from investments, real estate, as well as investing for retirement is paramount to their future financial success. Skills that wealthy investors have always had are now essential to our children's long-term financial health.
