Encyclopedia of Electrical & Electronics Engineering (24 Volumes) | 451 MB

Content :

01 Aerospace and Electronic Systems ...1
02 Antennas and Propagation..................2
03 Applied Superconductivity ...............5
04 Automatic Control .............................7
05 Biomedical Engineering.................. 10
06 Broadcasting ................................... 12
07 Circuits and Systems: Analog and Digital Signal Processing ......... 13
08 Circuits and Systems: Fundamental Theory and Applications.......... 17
09 Circuits and Systems for Video Technology .......... 19
10 Communications ......... 20
11 Components, Packaging, and Manufacturing Technology............. 22
12 Computational Science and Engineering...............23
13 Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits...... 26
14 Computers...................................... 27
15 Consumer Electronics ..................... 31
16 Control Systems Technology........... 32
17 Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation ..........32
18 Education ........................................ 34
19 Electromagnetic Compatibility ....... 34
20 Electron Devices ............................. 35
21 Electronic Materials ........................ 38
22 Energy Conversion .......................... 40
23 Engineering Management ............... 42
24. Fuzzy Systems.................................. 44
25. Geoscience and Remote Sensing...... 45
26. Image Processing.............................. 45
27. Industrial Electronics........................ 46
28. Industry Applications ....................... 47
29. Information Theory .......................... 48
30. Instrumentation and Measurement ... 49
31. Knowledge and Data Engineering.... 54
32. Lightwave Technology..................... 56
33. Magnetics ......................................... 57
34. Medical Imaging .............................. 59
35. Microelectromechanical Systems..... 59
36. Microwave Theory and Techniques. 59
37. Multimedia ....................................... 62
38. Networking...................................... 62
39. Neural Networks .............................. 64
40. Nuclear Science................................ 65
41. Oceanic Engineering ........................ 65
42. Parallel and Distributed Systems...... 66
43. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence....... 67
44. Photonics Technology ...................... 68
45. Plasma Science................................. 69
46.Power Delivery.................................. 70
47. Power Electronics............................. 72
48. Power Systems ................................. 73
49. Professional Communications.......... 74
50. Quantum Electronics ........................ 75
51. Rehabilitation Engineering............... 75
52. Reliability ......................................... 76
53. Robotics and Automation................. 77
54. Semiconductor Manufacturing......... 78
55. Signal Processing ............................. 79
56. Software Engineering....................... 80
57. Solid State Circuits........................... 83
58. Speech and Audio Processing .......... 84
59. Systems, Man, and Cybernetics ....... 85
60. Technology and Society ................... 86
61. Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control.... 86
62. Vehicular Technology ...................... 87
63. Visualization and Computer Graphics ........ 88
64. VLSI Systems...... 89

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