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  1. #1
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    Default Iraq/Dinar News up until March 18th Midnight ctz

    Just wondering? With all this going on and the dinar droping very very slowly but droping and the news very encouraging, why are the sellers of the dinar( Dinar trade ETC. ) not going up on there prices or freezing sales? I would think they being in the business would know first hand news. I noticed a couple months ago Dinar trade was up to $975.00 a ML and then droped to $900.00 a ML, I called ALI with Dinar Trade about it and he E-Mailed me Stating he had a Abondance of Dinar? This Is a Fact. I will Personnaly Face up with him if need be if there is any dispute on this. I purchase all my Dinar fron them and I have all respect for there Company, just dont want to start no rumors like I protest about but again I am just a point on the pole and I NO NOTHING!!
    PS> Guess where that statement is from?

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  3. #2
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    Grant distribution between Prime Minister families displaced in Missan
    (Voice of Iraq) - 13-03-2007 shall - صوت العراق

    Maysan / Mohamed Hamrani
    Started in Maysan governorate distribution of the Prime Minister to grant displaced families, amounting to 100 thousand dinars per family.
    The spokesman stressed that the media on behalf of the Immigration and Immigrants in Maysan Haidar Salim explained :
    That the Immigration and Immigrants in Maysan has begun distributing a favor Prime Minister Special Balaouwael displaced from the areas of tension and (100) thousand dinars per family. He added : will grant (4100), only one in the provincial capital and some other districts in the fields and Distribution will be according to the agenda that runs the length of the week. And in relation to the spokesman for the Immigration Service, immigrants to the completion of the work in a large camp south of the city of Amarah consists of more than (100) consequences of the large size and contains a swimming pavilion and liquefaction for the distribution of drinking water to be a shelter for families displaced from the areas of tension, which does not have a shelter, and noted that the Immigration Service Branch Maysan, immigrants made under the administration of the camp affiliated to
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

  4. #3
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    روسيا: مؤتمر بغداد خطوة مفيدةRussia : the Baghdad useful step

    (صوت العراق) - 13-03-2007 | of Iraq) - 13-03-2007 shall - صوت العراق

    موسكو ـ ا.ف.ب: اعتبرت وزارة الخارجية الروسية، أمس، ان المؤتمر الدولي حول العراق الذي عقد السبت في بغداد، يشكل «خطوة مفيدة» على طريق احلال «الاستقرار» في هذا البلد، مشددة على «الدور الحاسم» المترتب على العراقيين في تسوية النزاع.A Moscow. P. B : The Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday, that the international conference on Iraq held Saturday in Baghdad, a <useful step> on the road to lasting <stability> in the country, stressing <crucial role> impact on the Iraqis to settle the conflict. ورأت وزارة الخارجية في بيان أن المؤتمر الذي ضم دول جوار العراق والدول الخمس الدائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن، يشكل «خطوة مفيدة على طريق تطوير التعاون بين كل أعضاء الأسرة الدولية الراغبين في استقرار الوضع في العراق».The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the conference, which included the neighboring countries of Iraq and the five permanent members of the Security Council, constitutes <useful step on the road to developing cooperation among all members of the international community who wish to stabilize the situation in Iraq>.
    Angelica was told she has a year to live and her dream is to go to Graceland. Why not stop by her web site and see how you can help this dream come true...
    "Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power."
    - Abraham Lincoln

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    IF Halliburton does not remain an USA company (and be required to pay
    taxes) ---How many contracts do you think a Dem controlled congress
    will allow them to have ?

  6. #5
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    Plans and mechanisms for the distribution of oil derivatives, and promises were not successful

    Caused high prices of consumer goods and services
    Baghdad-Imad Principality
    Citizens who talked to Al (morning) of this phenomenon or to transport phenomena. Mahdi's shop selling tools Reserve said there is a big difference between the correction in steps and the continuing imbalance that the picture that we see when CHECK

    The actions of the Ministry of Oil express disruption lasting and continuous, and this means the lack of efficiency cadre and the absence of real capabilities of those who run to find basic rules to deal with those crises therefore found repeated and fail and be reviewed by the whole grounds that the accounts were not true and that security conditions are the reason or the lack of electricity, etc.
    Citizen Mahdi Mohammed Kadhim junior high school teacher said :
    The failure to involve representatives of the beneficiary and non-Qaida use of expertise and scientific field is one of the reasons for failure in addition to the absence of a follow-up to cope with the implementation process, I feel that there is a major imbalance has not been disclosed until now. Otherwise, what do you explain the change of plans and mechanisms continuously without merit.
    There have been repeated promises to become a phenomenon in the series continued high prices without interruption, as was the announcement of new mechanisms whenever jumped Here examples and realistic about the price of a bottle of gas and oil price per liter, which has become a burden on the citizens, especially those with limited income.
    Mohammad Qasim working in the private sector, said :
    Not Athrg when I say to the Ministry of Oil to explore joints corruption which always lead to such negative consequences, and perhaps increase in the near future, we hear conflicting reports that the increases did not come to Amhal but is interpreted by some as uncertain and depends on timeliness implementation of international requirements.
    .Economists have suggested in this regard researcher economic war Hilal says : that the expected rises in the prices of oil derivatives will be reflected on the costs of transport and this will in turn contribute rises again increase the suffering of the Iraqi consumer.
    On the other side will increase inflationary pressures once again, what makes us caught in a vicious cycle affecting the low income, including staff and by the increases in the salaries of staff do not represent only the case of (monetary illusion), a receipt of cash and units but a large number of their purchasing power in the market and weak knowledge that the inflation three types of inflated demand and cost imported inflation through foreign trade, Hilal also said : that the high fuel prices lead to higher costs and power outages, the owners of the laboratories would have to purchase fuel at high prices to make up for the shortage of hours drop This situation leads to high costs of production of the commodity. (Hilal), the solutions proposed in the budget (2007), he said that the current budget was adopted (3) the amount of billion dollars to develop and build new lines and this is the optimal solution for the development of domestic production, pointing to the need for the International Monetary Fund to observe the economic situation in the development of the Iraqi conditions in raising support and objectively arrived in comparison simple between per capita income in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, the average per capita income of Saudi and UAE annually to the amount (36) thousand dollars, while the average per capita income in the 1980s to Iraq (3600) dollars annually and dropped to (600) dollars from these figures, we find the big difference with neighboring countries : here economic expert questioned the value of the International Monetary Fund to the pricing of oil products in Iraq similar to the prices of petroleum products to neighboring countries?
    While justify Oil Minister Dr. Shahrastani problems concerning the importation of oil derivatives in a press statement that the budget (2007) did not allocate funds for the import of oil derivatives (gasoline, kerosene) except for the amount of (300) million dollars allocated to support the import (kerosene) to help poor families and justify the price increase in the prices of derivatives.
    That Iraq concluded an agreement with the (International Monetary Fund) provides extinguish (80%) of debt and the implications of (14) billion dollars, and the agreement includes stipulations that the Iraq economic reforms lead to the lifting of subsidy on the prices of oil derivatives, and therefore we should either Mekhiron between the retention of the debt is a heavy legacy or revising the prices of oil derivatives, according to the reform so that compressed on the citizen, but at the same time provide the cost of repayment of these debts under the Convention set out with the IMF in this direction we raise the prices of oil derivatives to exceed the amount of 15% so that the price per liter of gasoline (350) dinars foundation for the price (400) dinars, as well as the rising price of kerosine dinars (300) to (350) dinars that the implementation of this proposal depended on the circumstances.
    Thus remains to shoulder the burden of citizen action in the hope that a plan to impose law and order objectives to enjoy security and stability and above all aspirations.

    Translated version of

    Last edited by DayDream; 13-03-2007 at 02:05 AM.
    1.61 USD Yazzman Rate

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    As per CNN tonight - Haliburton is moving its operation to UAE United Arab Emirates. VERY VERY Interestink!!!!!!
    Your body CAN heal itself! UNLEASH THE POWER
    The Most Powerful Anti-oxidants on earth XanGotm
    Count the $$$ figures !!!

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    Cool Good Signs From Neigboring Country's

    Jordan toughens the penalties to prevent infiltration into Iraq

    (صوت العراق) - 13-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 13-03-2007
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    عمان - د ب أ: ذكرت مصادر برلمانية أمس أن مجلس النواب الأردني وافق على تعديل قانون العقوبات الأردنى بهدف تشديد العقوبة ضد المتسللين إلى البلاد عبر الحدود أو من يعبرون الحدود بصورة غير قانونية إلى الدول المجاورة، حاملين متفجرات أو أسلحة· وقالت المصادر البرلمانية إن الهدف من تشديد العقوبة الذي أقره المجلس أمس الأول هو الحد من تسلل المتشددين الذين يعبرون حدود البلاد إلى العراق أو سوريا بغرض الانضمام للمسلحين الذين يقاتلون قوات التحالف بقيادة الولايات المتحدة في العراق· وتنظر محكمة أمن الدولة الأردنية حاليا قضايا تتعلق بعشرات الأشخاص المتهمين بالتسلل عبر الحدود الأردنية إلى سوريا لتلقي تدريب عسكري هناك قبل التوجه إلى العراق·Amman-d b a : parliamentary sources said yesterday that the Jordanian parliament approved the amendment of the Jordanian Penal Code in order to increase the penalties against infiltrators into the country across the border or crossing the border illegally to the neighboring countries, carrying explosives or weapons · The sources said that the goal of the parliamentary heavier penalties passed by the council yesterday, I is the reduction of infiltration of militants who cross the country's borders to Iraq or Syria to join the armed forces who are fighting the United States-led coalition in Iraq · considering the Jordanian State Security Court is currently issues related to dozens of people accused of infiltrating across the Jordanian border to Syria in order to receive military training there before heading to Iraq ·

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    Cool Big Terriost Arrest

    The death and the arrest of 171 terrorists and armed men in Iraq

    (صوت العراق) - 13-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 13-03-2007
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    بغداد - وكالات الأنباء: أكد الجيش الأميركي أمس مقتل 3 من جنوده في عمليات عسكرية ووفاة اثنين آخرين في العراق مبينا أن أحد عناصر ''المارينز'' قتل في الأنبار بعملية عسكرية فيما قتل جندي آخر بانفجارعبوة جنوب غرب بغداد وأصيب اثنان آخران· كما قتل جندي في شمال العراق بعد إصابته جراء انفجارعبوة· وفي محافظة صلاح الدين، أكد الجيش أن عنصرا من قوة البرق قتل أمس الأول أثناء عملية عسكرية ، بينما أكد بيان منفصل وفاة أحد الجنود لأسباب لا علاقة لها بالمعارك· في غضون ذلك قال التلفزيون الحكومي العراقي أمس إن قوات الأمن اعتقلت نائب أميرتنظيم ''القاعدة'' في الموصل المدعو محمد يونس الحيالي· كما قالت شرطة نينوى إن مسلحين اقتحموا منزل محمد سعيد العضو البارز في حزب البعث المحظور باليرموك الليلة قبل الماضية وأردوه قتيلا· وأفادت الشرطة أن قوة مشتركة اعتقلت بالعظيم شمال بعقوبة 8 مسلحين من المتورطين في تنفيذ الهجوم الأخير على زوار أربعينية الحسين الأسبوع الماضي· من جهته ذكر التلفزيون الحكومي أن قوات عراقية قتلت خلال الساعات الاربع والعشرين الماضية 42 إرهابيا ومسلحا واعتقلت 53 آخرين ببغداد والرمادي وبعقوبة وكركوك· وأعلنت سلطات عسكرية أميركية وعراقية، بشكل منفصل، اعتقال ما لا يقل عن 34 إرهابيا في مختلف أرجاء العراق أمس· وفي بيان آخر، أفاد الجيش الأميركي باعتقال 22 إرهابيا خلال عمليات دهم استهدفت مشتبهين بعلاقتهم بـ''القاعدة'' في العراق ومقاتلين أجانب في الطارمية والموصل والحبانية والأنبار والعامرية· وأكدت وزارة الدفاع مقتل اثنين من قياديي الارهاب في ''القاعدة'' ومطلوبين للعدالة هما علاء دحام حنوش ومحمد الليلي، وذلك بالتعاون مع سكان الأنبار· وفي ذات السياق أعلن الجيش الأميركي أن قوات عراقية اعتقلت 9 أشخاص يشتبه في انتمائهم إلى ميليشيا الصدر في عمليات نفذتها في وجود مستشارين من التحالف في بلد· وفي تطور آخر قال مصدر في شرطة البصرة إن السلطات العراقية عثرت على جثة جندي إيراني من حرس الحدود اسمه هادي احمد، في مياه شط العرب في حين اعتقلت دورية للشرطة 5 إيرانيين متسللين بشكل غير شرعي· وذكرت مصادر أمنية ان 4 اشخاص قتلوا وأصيب 8 آخرون في أعمال عنف شملت منطقة زيونة حيث استهدف هجوم وزير الزراعة دون أن يصيبه· كما قتل صبيان اثنان وأصيب آخران إثر سقوط قذائف هاون أمس على ملعب لكرة القدم في بلدة الاسكندرية· وقال مصدر في وزارة العمل والشؤون الاجتماعية العراقية إن ثلاثة من موظفي الوزارة اختطفوا أمس في منطقة المنصور· وقالت الشرطة إن مسلحين قتلوا بالرصاص عبد الله محمد المدير العام لمشاريع المياه لمدينة الموصل على مشارف المدينة · الى ذلك اعلن المتحدث العسكري الأميركي الاميرال ماركس فوكس أمس عن إنشاء 23 موقعا مشتركا بين القوات الأميركية والعراقية في بغداد ضمن نطاق الخطة الأمنية التي بدأت منتصف الشهر الماضي·Baghdad-News Agencies : The American army announced the death of three of its soldiers in military operations and the death of two others in Iraq, pointing out that one of the elements "," Marines killed in Anbar, a military soldier was killed in another Banfjarabbouh southwest of Baghdad and two others injured · soldier was also killed in northern Iraq after he was due Anfjarabbouh · In the province of Salah religion, the army confirmed that one of the lightning killed yesterday during a military operation, while a separate statement confirmed the death of one soldier for reasons unrelated to the casualty · Meanwhile, the state television said yesterday that the Iraqi security forces arrested Deputy Amertnazim "rule" in Mosul, Muhammad Yunus also said Hayali · Nineveh police that gunmen broke into the house of Mohammed Saeed prominent member of the Baath Party banned Balermok last night and shot him dead · Police reported that a joint force arrested Balazim north of Baquba eight gunmen involved in the implementation of the recent attack on a Shiite visitors Hussein last week · part television reported that government forces Iraqi killed during four hours, twenty years and 42 armed terrorists and arrested 53 others in Baghdad, Ramadi and Baquba, Kirkuk · The American military authorities and Iraqi, separately, the arrest of at least 34 terrorists in various parts of Iraq yesterday · In another statement, the American army reported the arrest of 22 terrorists during a raid targeted suspects affiliation with "b" - Qaeda in Iraq and foreign fighters in Tarmiyah, Mosul, Anbar and Habbaniyah, Amiriyah · The Defense Ministry confirmed the death of two of the leaders of terrorism in the "Al Qaeda" and wanted to justice are Alaa Mohammed Dahham Hanoch and night, in collaboration with the inhabitants of Anbar · In the same context, the American army announced that Iraqi forces arrested nine people suspected of belonging the Sadr militia in operations carried out in the presence of advisers from the coalition in the country · In another development, a source in the police of Basra, the Iraqi authorities found the body of an Iranian soldier guards the border name Hadi Ahmed, in the Shatt al-Arab waterway, while police patrol arrested five Iranian infiltrators illegally · Security sources said that four people were killed and eight others were injured in acts of violence included Zionh area where the attack targeted the Minister of Agriculture without the wounds · also killed two boys and two others were the result of mortar shells yesterday at a soccer stadium in the town of Alexandria · A source at the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Iraq The three ministry employees were kidnapped yesterday in the Mansour · The police said that the gunmen were shot dead Mohammed Abdullah Director General of the water projects of the city of Mosul on the outskirts of the city · Meanwhile, the American military spokesman, Admiral Marx Fox yesterday on the establishment of 23 locations inter-American and Iraqi forces in Baghdad within the scope of the security plan, which started mid-last month ·
    الاتحاد الاماراتيةThe Emirates

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    Cool Albasserion hoped the return of stability with the date of departure of the British

    Albasserion hoped the return of stability with the date of departure of the British

    (صوت العراق) - 13-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 13-03-2007
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    البصرة (العراق) (ا ف ب) يأمل سكان البصرة، ثاني مدن العراق، بعودة الاستقرار وترسيخ الامن مع الانسحاب المرتقب للقوات البريطانية من منطقتهم لكنهم يطالبون الحكومة القيام بمشاريع اعمار لمساعدة المدينة على النهوض.Basra (Iraq) (AFP) hopes residents of Basra, the second city of Iraq, the return of stability and consolidation of security with the expected withdrawal of British forces from the region, but urging the government to do reconstruction projects to help the city's renaissance. ويقول وائل خالد (34 عاما) وهو من عائلة يمتد وجودها لاجيال عدة في البصرة ( جنوب بغداد) ان ''البريطانيين لم يحملوا معهم اي شيء ايجابي الى مدينتنا ويقبعون خلف اسوار حصون من جدران الاسمنت المسلح (...) فرحيلهم اصبح امرا مرغوبا''.He says Wael Khalid (34 years), a family extends its presence for several generations in Basra (south of Baghdad) that "the British did not carry with them anything positive to our city and hiding behind the walls of fortresses from the walls of adamantine (...) Their passing will become desirable ". من جانبه قال علي عبد الحسين ''آن الاوان لكي تتسلم السلطات العراقية الملف الامني في المدينة على غرار ما حدث في محافظات اخرى (...) لم تعد هناك ضرورة لبقاء هذه القوات الا اذا كانت تريد ان ترسخ احتلالها''.For his part, Ali Abdul-Hussein, "the time has come to take over the security file, the Iraqi authorities in the city on the lines of what happened in other governorates (...) It was no longer necessary for the survival of these forces only if they want to entrench its occupation ". لكنه اقر بان ''البريطانيين ساعدونا في التخلص من النظام السابق''.But he acknowledged that "the British helped us to get rid of the former regime". واعلنت الحكومة البريطانية التي تنشر قواتها منذ اذار 2003 في البصرة والمناطق الجنوبية من العراق خفض قواتها وانسحابها من ثلاثة مواقع، من اصل خمسة، يستخدمها الجيش البريطاني.The British government published its troops since March 2003 in Basra and the southern regions of Iraq to reduce its forces and pull out of the three sites, out of five, used by the British Army. وكان رئيس الوزراء البريطاني توني بلير قد اعلن في 21 من شباط الماضي خفض عديد القوات من 7100 الى 5500 عنصر لكنه لم يفصح عن برنامج زمني محدد حول سحب 1600 جندي مكتفيا بالقول ان الامر سيتم ''خلال الاشهر المقبلة''.The British Prime Minister, Tony Blair, had announced on 21 February last to reduce the number of troops from 7100 to 5500 element, but he did not disclosed the specific timetable on the withdrawal of 1600 soldiers, saying only that it would be "in the coming months". لكن محمد جعفر (45 عاما) وهو تاجر من البصرة اعتبر ان ''على القوات البريطانية تقديم الدعم للقوات العراقية قبل رحيلها لتحقيق استقرار امني اكبر''.But Mohammad Jafar (45 years), a merchant from Basra said that "British forces to provide support to Iraqi forces before their departure to achieve greater security stability". اما محمد الذي اكتفى بذكر اسمه الاول فاعرب عن ''الخشية من عودة الانفلات الامني الى شوارع البصرة كما حدث الربيع الماضي اذا لم يتمكن الجيش العراقي من بسط سيطرته بشكل كامل'' في اشارة الى مواجهات بين مختلف الميليشيات.As Mohamed, just mention his first name, expressed "fear of the return of lawlessness to the streets of Basra as happened last spring if the Iraqi army has been unable to impose its control fully" in a reference to the clashes between the various militias. والبصرة من الاماكن المستقرة نسبيا مقارنه ببغداد ومناطق اخرى.Basra and places relatively stable compared with Baghdad and other areas. وتنتشر داخلها وحولها القوات البريطانية.The spread within and around the British forces. وتحظى البصرة باحتياطي نفطي يضعها بين المدن الاغنى في العالم فضلا عن كونها تصدر عبر موانئها النفط بمعدلات تبلغ حوالى 6,1 مليون برميل يوميا، حسبما اكد سمير المكصوصي الناطق باسم شركة نفط الجنوب.And enjoy the Basra oil reserve is placed among the richest cities in the world as well as being issued through the ports oil at rates of approximately 6.1 million barrels per day, as confirmed by Samir Almksousi spokesman for the Southern Oil Company. واوضح ان ''ميناءي البصرة وخور العمية هما المنفذ الاساسي لتصدير النفط''.He explained that "the ports of Basra and Khor Al are performing essential for the export of oil". ورغم ما تضمة المنطقة من ثروات طبيعية، يرى الحاج كريم الخالدي (48 عاما) ان ''البصرة ما تزال بحاجة الى مشاريع اعمار وخدمات فهي لا تحظى بما تستحقه كمدينة عريقة ولا الان يمكن مقارنتها بما كانت عليه عندما اطلقوا عليها فينيسيا الشرق''.Although a country of the region's wealth of natural, the Haji Karim Al-Khalidi (48 years old) said "Basra is still in need of reconstruction projects and services they do not receive due ancient city not far can be compared to what it was when they opened it," Venice Middle. كما اعرب صادق الموسوي عضو لجنة الاعمار في المدينة عن امله بان ''تستعيد البصرة عافيتها وتواكب التطور العمراني عبر المشاريع المخطط لها فقد تم تخصيص مبلغ 246 مليار دينار عراقي (قرابة 190 مليون دولار) لدعم مشاريع الاعمار''.He also Sadiq al-Musawi, a member of the Committee on reconstruction in the city expressed hope that "Basra regain its feet and keep urban development through projects have been planned allocation of the amount of 246 billion Iraqi dinars (about $ 190 million) to support reconstruction projects". والبصرة ذات غالبية شيعية تسكنها اقليات سنية ومسيحية وصابئة وتنتشر فيها مساجد وكنائس ومندائيات، كما كانت جالية يهودية تعيش في المدينة ايضا.Basra with the Shiite majority and Sunni minority inhabited by Christian and Sabah and where mosques and churches and Mendayat, as was a large Jewish community living in the city as well. وتتميز البصرة بمينائها الوحيد وهو الموقع التجاري الاهم للعراق مع العالم.The port of Basra is the only commercial importantly, the site of Iraq with the world. كما اشتهرت البصرة بزراعة النخيل حيث كانت هناك ملايين الاشجار التي لم يتبق منها سوى نصف اعدادها تقريبا بسبب الاهمال والحروب التي عاشتها المدينة منذ ثمانيات القرن الماضي.Known as the planting of palm Basra where there were millions of trees that remained only prepared almost half due to negligence and wars experienced by the city eights since the last century. ونظرا لقربها الجغرافي من الحدود العراقية-الايرانية، كانت المدينة الاكثر تضررا خلال الحرب التي استمرت ثمانية اعوام 1980-1988.Because of the geographical proximity of the Iraq-Iran border, the city most affected by the war which lasted eight years 1980 - 1988. يشار الى ان البصرة البالغ عدد سكانها اكثر من مليوني نسمة تاسست في القرن السابع ميلادي بعد الموصل التي شيدها الاشوريون عام 1080 قبل الميلاد لتكون عاصمة لهم واطلقوا عليها تسمية تعني ''الحدباء''.It should be noted that Basra has a population of more than 2 million people founded in the seventh century after the birth of Mosul, built by Assyrians in 1080 BC to be the capital, which they called "mean" hunchback. وبنى المسلمون الاوائل المدينة القديمة في البصرة عام 635 ميلادية (الرابع عشر للهجرة) وكانت الاولى ابان الفتوحات الاسلامية فقد شيدوها في بادئ الامر معسكرا للجند وعائلاتهم لكي يتسنى لهم مواصلة الفتوحات الاسلامية.Beni and the first Muslims in the old city of Basra in 635 AD (14th of the brain) and the first during the Islamic conquests were initially built them in the camp of the Soldiers and their families so that they can continue the Islamic conquests. اما بغداد فقد بناها الخليفة ابو جعفر المنصور عام 710 ميلادي لتكون عاصمة الخلافة الاسلامية آنذاك.As Baghdad was built by the successor Abu Jaafar Al-Mansur in 710 AD to be the capital of the Islamic caliphate time.

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    Cool Russia considers the Baghdad (useful step)

    Russia considers the Baghdad (useful step)

    (صوت العراق) - 13-03-2007(Voice of Iraq) - 13-03-2007
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    موسكو - أف ب - اعتبرت وزارة الخارجية الروسية امس ان المؤتمر الدولي حول العراق الذي عقد السبت في بغداد يشكل ''خطوة مفيدة'' على طريق احلال ''الاستقرار'' في هذا البلد، مشددة على ''الدور الحاسم'' المترتب على العراقيين في تسوية النزاع.Moscow-AFP - The Russian Foreign Ministry yesterday that the international conference on Iraq held on Saturday in Baghdad was "a useful step" on the road to bring "stability" in the country, stressing the "crucial role" impact on the Iraqis to settle the conflict.
    ورأت وزارة الخارجية في بيان ان المؤتمر الذي ضم دول جوار العراق والدول الخمس الدائمة العضوية في مجلس الامن يشكل ''خطوة مفيدة على طريق تطوير التعاون بين كل اعضاء الاسرة الدولية الراغبين في استقرار الوضع في العراق''.The Foreign Ministry said in a statement that the conference, which included the neighboring countries of Iraq and the five permanent members of the Security Council constitutes a "useful step on the road to developing cooperation among all members of the international community who wish to stabilize the situation in Iraq". وتابعت ''لكننا نعتبر ان الدور الحاسم يعود للعراقيين انفسهم من اجل تطبيع الوضع بشكل سريع''.It continued, "but we think that the decisive role was for the Iraqis themselves to rapid normalization of the situation".
    وعقد مؤتمر بغداد الدولي حول الامن في العراق بمشاركة وفود 17 دولة ومنظمة بينها الولايات المتحدة و''عدواها اللدودان'' ايران وسوريا.The Baghdad International Conference on security in Iraq with the participation of the delegations of 17 countries and organizations including the United States, and "infect" sworn Iran and Syria.

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