Dear users of our platform, in line with the motto "recommending uploaded pays off", we are offering a reward on referral base as of now. While only the advertising of premium users so far has been rewarded, we now also offer a reward for advertising participants of our affiliate program. According to this, the advertiser receives 50% of the earnings from the advertised user, which is generated through the reward of downloads. Of course the participant of our affiliate program still receives regular (TDP / 3 EUR / 1 EUR / Points) reward, which was additionally extended with the countries Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Greece, Japan, Canada, Poland, Russia and Sweden. More details on this can be found on the updated payment chart: All prices are for 1000 downloads. Additionally: 3 EUR for every advertised new premium customer. 1 EUR for every further order of your so far advertised premium customers. 50% of the earnings from the advertised user, which were generated through the reward of downloads. The functionality here is quite simple: - Register at: