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Welcome to Wisdombux.com

At Wisdombux.com you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.

We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant purchase processing and referral renting. Our payout minimum is at $2.

• Earn $0.0100 per click
• Earn $0.005 per referral click
•Commission - upgrade, add funds
•Up to $0.015/click for member
•Payment method AP/PP/LR

OPENING BONUS!! First 250 members will get bonuses (free advertise, cash bonuses to their accounts, free 7 day membership ) what bonuses you get i will choose what you get.
Stay in touch with us.
In short time we are going to start referral contest. Check our forum for that.

Site is new and as they are going to start a referral contest this is the best time to get referrals and win in this referral contest.