At you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.

During the week of 1/24 - 1/31 you will receive double purchase credits.

• Purchase $5.00 Receive $5.00 More
• Purchase $20.00 Receive $20.00 More

You must PURCHASE between 1/26 - 1/31.
Please Allow a minimum of 24 hours to validate ads

I will implement these prices when we reach 500 members, if anyone is advertising place update.

The current prices will be temporary and these will be the new prices

•Silver 10$ Gold 25$ BLACK 125$ 1month
•Silver 25$ Gold 60$ BLACK 250$ 3months
•Silver 40$ Gold 100$ BLACK 400$ 6months

Our payout minimum is at $50.00 for Standard members.

• Earn $0.1000 per click
• Earn $0.1000 per referral click

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