I am not the admin of the program.


Welcome to buxforex.com

At buxforex.com you will get paid by visiting our sponsor's ads.
How can we give 10 cents for a click?
We invest the sponsor's money in Forex.

$0,10 per click
$0,05 per referral click

$0,10 per click
$0,10 per referral click

buxforex.com for Advertisers

We offer competitively priced advertisement packages for your online campaigns.
Paid member clicks are guaranteed and clicks from outside visitors are included in the price.

Members can click your ad once per 24 hours and their visit will last at least 20 seconds.
• 100 clicks for $1,00
• 500 clicks for $2,00
• 1,000 clicks for $4,99
• 5,000 clicks for $12,99
• 10,000 clicks for $19,99
• 50,000 clicks for $79,99
• 100,000 clicks for $130,00
•1,000,000 clicks for $550,00

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.