I am not the admin of the program.


Member Benefits

* Paid To Click
* Traffic Exchange
* Paid To Read
* $1.0 Cash For Sign Up
* 100 X-Credits For Sign Up
* PTP $1 CPM (2-7$ for upgr.)
* 10% Downline Earnings (free)
* Payout at $9.99 ($1.00 for upgr.)

Advertisers Benefits

* Cheap prices
* Many ad choices
* Quality Memberbase
* Real-time Stats
* Daily Unique Visitors
* Anti-Cheat measures
* Lots of Packages
* Automated Transactions

Here in the world of GTS Bux, you can earn an extra stream of income by completing simple tasks; We have advertisers that will pay you real cash money to simply view their websites, and other advertisers will pay you even more to join their various programs! Our premium advertising services present an excellent opportunity for you to get valuable traffic to your site at very affordable and competitive pricing. As any internet businessperson will tell you, quality traffic equates to quality leads and customers.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.