I am not the admin of the program.


YABux.com for Members! At YABux you are paid to visit ads provided by our sponsors..
Earn up to $0.01 per click and $0.0025 for every referral click as a Standard member. As Golden Member you can earn $0.01 for every click.
Standard Member has a limit of maximum 20 direct referrals. Golden Member has a limit of maximum 500 direct referrals.

Our system is built to provide you instant with the services you've paid for and also we're paying you instantly when you request cashout.
Cashout is provide when you reach the cashout limit. (first 2 second 5 third 7 and all next 10).
Advertise with us!

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.