I am not the admin of the program.


No Charge ~ Register a free account today.

ClixSense is a unique opportunity for you to earn extra money for FREE!

You get paid to view webpages from our advertisers.

You are paid for each 30 second ad you view.

Free to join!
Register for a free account, Log-In and click browse ads. Get paid for each ad you view.

Receive a monthly paycheck for your activity.
By taking advantage of the ClixSense online advertising program, as a potential online consumer, you can actually get paid for your web browsing, up to $5.00 for every 30 seconds worth of work. The income you earn is paid directly to you every month. The best part about the ClixSense program is that as a potential online consumer, there is no charge to register your new account and begin earning money immediately.

Reach real page visitors!

We guarantee quality traffic to your website. Reach unique guaranteed targeted visitors for as little as 1 cent per visitor.

Earn more with our free affiliate program!

There is no need to refer a single person to earn money on ClixSense.com. For those who wish to earn more, ClixSense.com will pay you up to $2 for every registration you refer.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.