I am not the admin of the program.

Free Members
Free members has the full advantage of making money with us by simply clicking on a certain amount of advertisements daily. We provide a minimum of 15 advertisements per day guaranteed!
Each advertisement view will give you $0.01. You will also receive 100% of your referral profits.
Your profits are endless!

Earnings Example
» You click 15 ads per day = $0.15
» 35 referrals click 15 ads per day = $3.50
» Your daily earnings = $3.65
» Your weekly earnings = $25.55
» Your monthly earnings = $102.20

The above example is based only on 35 referrals and 15 daily clicks as a free member. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?

Join now and receive a $0.05 Sign-up Bonus
Premium Members
To become a premium member, you must first register as a free member and then upgrade to a premium membership.
Premium members will receive $0.01 for each of their own advertisement view, 125% profit from their referrals, which means $0.0125 for each of their referral advertisement view.
You will also get priority payments and send personal messages to your referrals.

Earnings Example
» You click 15 ads per day = $0.15
» 35 referrals click 15 ads per day = $6.5625
» Your daily earnings = $6.7125
» Your weekly earnings = $46.9875
» Your monthly earnings = $187.95

The above example is based only on 35 referrals and 15 daily clicks as a premium member. Some days you will have more clicks available, some days you will have less. What if you had more referrals? What if there were more ads available?

Thousands of satisfied members that have received their payment. (Payment Proofs)

For Advertisers, we provide the best price and services!
You can advertise any site of your choice starting from as low as $0.99 per 100 unique visits.

All available packages..

100 unique visits for only $0.99
500 unique visits for only $4.99
1,000 unique visits for only $9.99
2,500 unique visits for only $24.99
5,000 unique visits for only $49.99
10,000 unique visits for only $99.99
50,000 unique visits for only $475.99
100,000 unique visits for only $975.99
500,000 unique visits for only $4,975.99
1,000,000 unique visits for only $9,900.99

For more information, visit
MakeMyBux - Paid To Click - Refer And Earn - Cheap Advertising - $0.01 Per Click And Referrers Clicks - Minimum Payout $10.00

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.