I am not the admin of the program.

Members Benefits

# It is 100% FREE.
# Only Paid Email - no cheat links, real money online !
# You need nothing more than a working computer connected to the Internet.
# All E-mails are worth $200. ptc worth $100.
# If you choose, you can upgrade your account to Premium and earn faster and more !
# For every free member under you - you get 200 USD !
# Just for signup we are giving you 2000 USD FOR FREE !
# You can make money safely, legitimately, and easily.
# We accept members from all over the world ! International members are welcome !
# Minimum payout for free members is 200,000 USD .
# Payments made with PayPal,E-Gold,MoneyBookers, Money Order or check!
# 3 Ref levels of commission under you:
level 1 - 20%
level 2 - 10%
level 3 - 5%

Advertisers Benefits

The most cost effective advertising.
Targeted advertising based on nationality and users interests.
Guaranteed visits to your site and clickthru advertising options.
Guaranteed unique clicks and visits every 24 hours and many more advertising options.
Small prices and great results
Reliable, friendly service.
We will customize your advertising campaign.
All advertising will be made in 12 hours!
Absolutely no Spam!
We do not tolerate cheaters!
Inactive affiliates are deleted weekly!

»» Choose Your Package ««

For more information, visit
Welcome to michaelmails.com

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.