I am not the admin of the program.

What is ClixSense?
ClixSense is a unique opportunity for you to earn extra money for FREE! You get paid to view other members advertisments. You get paid for each full ad you view.

Free to join! Register a free account, Log-In, click browse ads. Get paid for each ad you view.

Receive a monthly paycheck for your activity.

Reach real page visitors!

We guarantee quality traffic to your website. Reach unique guaranteed targeted visitors for as little as 1 cent per visitor.

Free Affiliate Program

Refer others and earn even more!

ClixSense.com will pay you 10 cents for every free registration you refer. Furthermore we will pay you five levels deep for each referral who upgrades to a “Premium” account.
Want more? When your referral places an ad on clixsense.com we’ll pay you 10% of the revenues earned from that ad.

For more information, visit
ClixSense.com - PTC: Get Paid To Click

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.