Paid to click!
Earn $0.005 to $0.02 per click
Earn $0.005 to $0.02 per click from your referrals
Earn $0.05 automatically when referring a member
$15 payout via paypal and egold.

Earnings Example
- You click 10 ads per day = $0.10
- 35 referrals click 10 ads per day = $3.50
- Your daily earnings = $3.60
- Your weekly earnings = $25.20
- Your monthly earnings =$108.00

Advertisers Get Tones Of Traffic
Setting up and displaying your link for members
to visit is fast and simple. We charge $13.00 per 1000
member visits and each visit will last at least 10 seconds

For more information, visit
Advertising Warehouse : Welcome To Advertising Warehouse!

Added for discussion
