For Members
Get paid to view advertisements! As a member, you'll get paid for each click that you generate by browsing our sponsor's ads. We offer all features of today's PTC technology, including instant purchase processing and referral renting.Have a look inside and start earning now.

• Earn up to $0.0100 per click
• Earn up to $0.0100 per referral click

Cashout No Minimum
Instant payment for all members

For Advertisers
We offer competitively priced advertisement packages for your online campaigns. Paid member clicks are guaranteed and clicks from outside visitors are included in the price.

Paid advertisment plans
•250 clicks for $0.50
•1,000 clicks for $1.00
•2,000 clicks for $2.00
•5,000 clicks for $4.00
•7,500 clicks for $5.00
•10,000 clicks for $6.00

Banner Rotator plans
•4,000 views for $0.50
•10,000 views for $1.00
•25,000 views for $2.00
•50,000 views for $4.00
•100,000 views for $6.00
•200,000 views for $8.00

Members can click your advertisement campaign once per 24 hours - outside clicks are included and free of charge.