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    Thumbs up false?,,,,,,why?

    Allah says (Ye who believe intoxicants and gambling, (dedication of) stones, and (divination by) arrows, are an abomination, of Satan's handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye may prosper.

    - Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer: will ye not then abstain?) 90-91].
    forbade about drinking wine

    the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him forbade drinking wine
    even small amounts , this is confirmed by the verses and hadiths by a thousand and four hundred years

    But some doctors were claiming that a little wine can be a cure and heal , and some have claimed that a little of it animates Fouad , what says the latest study on the subject of wine?

    In a study conducted by Dr Sarah Lewis of the Department of Social Medicine , University of Bristol found a strong relationship between alcohol intake and between high blood pressure , and said that drinking alcohol affects blood pressure much more than we thought previously. Has conducted a study on a specific segment of people who are suffering from their body 's inability to remove the effects of alcohol after eating . But that does not mean that the damage is limited to these , but every day reveals a new scientists about the damage alcohol .

    The number of researchers confirmed that a man , even if eating a small amount of wine it would negatively affect the health and gradually lead to a rise in blood pressure , which causes sudden death of its owner , if not get rid of the final alcohol abuse .

    Dr. Sarah says :

    This study shows that alcohol consumption may increase blood pressure to a very large border more than we thought and even if a person drinking alcohol in small quantities .

    And confirms the researchers that
    if a person drinking wine , even a small amount of it and then leave it remain in his body, the amount of alcohol does not disappear only after tens of days, did not specify the researchers exactly how much remains of alcohol in human cells after eating , and there is no accurate studies about it, but Prophet him and told us that the drinker does not accept his prayer God forty days ! ! ! Glory to God ! If the Holy Prophet wants us to be every cell of our body pure , pure ,

    research has shown medical conducted on sleep, the brain is issued waves slow during sleep rights and these waves contribute to the production and release of growth hormone is essential for humans , researchers have found something surprising is that a man has eaten amount even if a few molecules of the wine , the wine travels through the blood to the brain and remain for long periods of time and work to confuse the brain is not able to launch electromagnetic waves during sleep and therefore the production of growth hormone depends not able to get to sleep naturally .

    researchers comes today to the same speech and with confidence : Even small amount harm to humans and preferably permanently left ! ! ! This is science always comes to bear witness of the truth of this true religion, and that the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him when he forbade drinking wine or anything intoxicating

    We say to those who abuse to

    the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
    what the non-Muslims say read, and think about it, if you follow the scientific method of thinking is, get this result ....

    You may have heard of the book, wrote a researcher from the West on "The one hundred most influential people in history," The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, and what I noticed is that this classification itself surprised the author, before anyone else!

    This author has to stay away great effort from this classification, made, and in particular, because the image of Islam has been distorted in the West bad, and because it could hurt the book, but he was able to escape this truth that Muhammad "peace and blessings of Allah upon Him was the most influential man "in the history of mankind is!

    Michael H. Hart, author of the book says:

    Dear readers, they may wonder why I have the name "Mohammed" is placed on the top of the list in this book, but there are compelling arguments that Muhammad is the only man who succeeded on both levels, religious and secular is. The influence of Muhammad's still as strak despite the passage of 14 centuries, and Muhammad is the only political leader who has managed to create a sovereign, who was very religious and scientifically successful, so he deserves the single most influential person in history to be:

    It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which i feel entitles Muhammad to be Considered the most influential single figure in human history.
    and say to my brothers and sisters in God be with you ! This prophet worth us to publish his miracle to know the whole world is our prophet and what is our religion? ! Therefore , I ask you to publish the miracles of the Holy Prophet,

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    The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be on him), not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

    The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

    Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

    On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

    This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

    In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

    In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

    According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

    Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


    The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

    "Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

    "They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

    "He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

    The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

    Seerah of Prophet Muhammed 27 - The Hijrah - Emigration to Madinah - Yasir Qadhi

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    In Australia, a country with a population of around 20 million, about 3000 people die each year from alcohol abuse while 65,000 others are hospitalised. Studies have consistently revealed a link between heavy drinking and brain damage and around 2500 Australians are treated annually for alcohol related brain damage. Research in the United Kingdom indicates that 6%

    of cancer deaths are related to alcohol abuse and Harvard Centre for Cancer Prevention says that drinking greatly increases the risk for numerous cancers. Alcohol is considered highly carcinogenic, increasing the risk of mouth, pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, and breast cancers. Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, causing the child to be small at birth, have some facial malformations, small eye openings, webbed or even missing fingers or toes, organ deformities, learning disabilities, mental retardation and much more.

    Researchers in Australia have also estimated that 47% of all those who commit violent crimes, and 43% of all victims of these crimes, were drunk prior to the event. Alcohol is responsible for 44% of fire injuries, 34% of falls and drownings, 30% of car accidents, 16% of child abuse instances, and 7% of industrial accidents. Even though it is clear that alcohol is responsible

    for a great many evils it is legal and even encouraged in most societies. In Muslim countries where alcohol is forbidden many people still find it difficult to resist temptation and fall prey to the disease that is alcoholism. Amazingly even in the light of such startling evidence against alcohol, people around the globe continue to consume alcohol in ever-increasing amounts

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    هل كان محمد ﷺ رجل حرب - خالد ياسين (مترجم) Was Muhamma ...

    Funny commands in the bible by Ahmed Deedat. - YouTube

    الشيخ خالد ياسين - لماذا نحن هنا في الدنيا - مترجم - YouTube

    محاضرة :: غرباء :: خالد ياسين :: مترجم 1/4 - YouTube

  6. #5
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    The Perspective of Islam and Christianity

    Proverbs 31: 6-7 "" Give intoxicating liquor, you people, to the one about to perish, and wine to those who are bitter of soul . Let one drink and forget one's poverty, and let one remember one's own trouble no more.""

    Genesis 9:21-22 "" And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.""

    Genesis 9:24 "" And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.""

    Genesis 19:32 "" Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve seed of our father.""

    Numbers 6:20 "" And the priest shall wave them for a wave offering before the LORD: this is holy for the priest, with the wave breast and heave shoulder: and after that the Nazarite may drink wine.""

    Numbers 28:7 "" And the drink offering thereof shall be the fourth part of an hin for the one lamb: in the holy place shalt thou cause the strong wine to be poured unto the LORD for a drink offering.""

    The Holy Quran, 5:90-91 "You who believe! Intoxicants and Gambling, all are an abomination of Satan's handiwork. Eschew such abomination, that you may prosper. Satan's plan is (but) to excite enmity and hatred between you, with intoxicants and gambling, and hinder you from the remembrance of God, and from prayer; will you not then abstain?"

    Although the Bible has stated on more than one occasion that eating man for alcohol and alcohol is forbidden and forbidden and that the prophets of the Old Testament did not address any one of them any drink, but we find

    Alcohol and Pork prohibited in the Qur'an and the Bible - by ...
    Did Jesus Christ ever drink alcohol ? - YouTube

    Ahmed Deedat wine in Christianity and Islam? - YouTube
    Thanks for letting people know that Christ never drank alcohol and never ever command to anybody to drink it. People must know this truth

  7. #6
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    Someone told me
    As-Salāmu Alaykum Brother

    Thank for sharing this.Alcohol and drugs are evil tools used for profit with a government tax and seal.
    Your videos are true these things eat away at the heart, brain, liver, lungs etc... and are a false solace in the moments of sadness, grief, or disappointment. It is another thing that keeps us from achieving " being all one can be." The mind has to clear. The problems in life no matter how unpleasant or ugly. Must be acknowledged first, looked at in some detail and taken on in such a manner to eliminate or greatly minimize so things become manageable. Drugs and alcohol cloud judgement, and disorients people.

    Tell me true or false?,,,,,,why?

    You give a very balanced outline of the teaching of the Quran and of the Bible.
    You provided statistics, and of course information about alcohol and drug abuse I know is true.

    I was taught and learned at a very early age that it is not right to be judgmental of what others do, or think. My mother taught me that. I sat with her possibly more than my other siblings and talked. I wanted to truly know my mother. I asked her questions because I could as a child sense her pain. She would not like many others show it outright on her face or in words. I sensed it. I knew so I would ask.

    She shared what she knew and understood of my father. She told me of how they met, how much he actually loved her and some of the words he used telling her how pretty she was.
    How he fought a good fight, and bit a policeman on the leg. He fought on his feet and on the ground. But a physical fight is different from a psychological one. I think after he did his tour in WWII in Germany. He possibly came back different.
    Racism in America's military, tolerating mistreatment at home in America and abroad as less than. Can take it's toll.

    Made him bitter somewhat and he lost sight of humility. Men often have no other man he can actually speak to. Not in a way where he can say. That hurt me. That is hurtful and unacceptable. That or this is not fair. You are told "life is not fair" get used to it. Be a man, suck it up. Your acting like a girly-man stuff. So men hold in those pains and it materializes elsewhere in their lives. No man or woman can bottle up unhappiness, pain and mistreatment and expect it to not manifest in some other behavior or manner. By not having outlets, being able to say or share your feelings causes more problems. when a lady tries to share her. Some men will do the same to hers. Shut them down.

    I believe It's a false notion and understanding that men should not feel pain, feel bad, get scared as a man. A man with wisdom and understanding of himself and life ( eyes open and conscious to his influences ) of course knows how to work through those emotions and channel them in a proper manner so that no more loss or harm is done.
    While my father was alive, I talked with him as much as possible. In many ways ( emotionally ) he was absent. He laughed and he had wisdom. He is survived by my mother, five sisters and four boys.. this includes me. We all speak well of him. Honor our father and mother. We loved him until his last days and he knew this because we said to him we loved him.

    He taught me Humility. Which is based on not being centered on the self. Think of how someone else would react, respond or feel about some of the things you do.

    But Alcohol kept him from practicing what he preached. My father was an alcoholic.

    Sober during his working hours but drunk after. He held a lot of pain in his understanding and in life. Racism I know played a part. Pressures at work or just the responsibilities it takes to be a man can be daunting to some. How he tried to remain humble, had to be humble and still be a Man in America. For African Americans this is still an issue. Many drink in excess to escape the pain of poverty and mistreatment experienced. Retreating into this false world of feel good, good feeling while under the influence. Only to wake to more or another stressful nightmare.

    Happiness like time is fleeting. You can chase them, can't contain either, but want more.

    This led to him spending more time in the streets drinking with his Fair-weather friends - A friend who is only a friend when circumstances are pleasant or profitable for them. Who supports others only when it is easy and convenient to do so.

    Instead of coming home where he could close the door. Not expect to be judged. Where he could have expressed what he felt and grew stronger against that which stood against him. Supported by those he cared about, that cared about him and were in his life. But in his generation he was taught a man has to bottle up all ills.

    Not being at home where he could close the door and leave the problems outside. His years of abuse caught up and seriously disabled him. I have five sisters, three brothers. We love him no less.
    We have a saying in America " a rolling stone gathers no moss." My father was a rolling stone.
    So this prompted me early in life to really pay attention to behavior and know when there may be unspoken things happening in the lives of those around me. That may need addressing, discussed or pointed out

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    A scientific study proved that human may be affected by what he or she believe even if it is wrong and just thinking in a fake thing may affect our behavior……

    A research performed by Seema Assefi and Maryanne Garry, two psychologists at Victoria University in New Zealand illustrated that human memory can be affected by alcohol.

    Tests showed that participants in an experiment who were told they were drinking vodka, but were not, were more swayed by misleading information and more certain their memory was correct than those who were told they were drinking tonic water. Dr Garry says the research has given new insights into how human memory works and how both social and non-social influences can affect a person's recall of events.

    "What we have done is that we have made people's memory worse by telling them that they were intoxicated even though they had drunken nothing stronger than plain flat tonic water with limes," he adds.

    In the study, 148 students were split into two groups, half being told they were getting vodka and tonic and the rest told they were getting just tonic. In reality, all were getting just plain tonic. The research was carried out in a bar-like room equipped with bartenders, vodka bottles, tonic bottles, and glasses.

    Researchers poured flat tonic water from sealed vodka bottles to appear genuine. The deception was completed by rimming glasses with limes dunked in vodka


    After consuming their drinks, the students watched a sequence of slides depicting a crime. They also read a summary of the crime that contained misleading information.

    Scientists say that just thinking about Alcohol can make people tipsy

    "We found people who thought they were intoxicated were more suggestible and made worse eyewitnesses compared with those who thought they were sober," Seema Assefi says. “In fact the 'vodka and tonic' students acted drunk, some even showing physical signs of intoxication," she adds.

    "When students were told the true nature of the experiment at the completion of the study, many were amazed that they had only received plain tonic, insisting that they had felt drunk at the time," she comments. Dr Garry concludes: "It showed that even thinking you've been drinking affects your behavior


    Some figures about Alcohol consumption in United Kingdom

    Statistics in 2003 showed the following figures about alcohol around the UK:

    • One in three men and one in five women fail to drink sensibly.

    • Youngsters are starting to binge-drink at an earlier the binge-drinking period that was once confined to the late teens runs from 16 to 24.

    • Officials say that the government would have to increase spending on alcohol services from £100m to £300m.

    • Governmental reports say that Britain's binge drinking culture is costing the country £20 billion a year and 17 million working days are lost to hangovers and drink-related illness each year.

    • Billions more are spent clearing up alcohol-related crime and social problems. In addition, alcohol-related problems are responsible for 22,000 premature deaths each year and Up to1.3 million children are affected by parents with drink problems.

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    The Truth About Jesus Christ by Abdur-Raheem Green - ...

    Suspicions About Islam - Abdul Rahim Green - YouTube

    Islam Will Enter Every House - Abdur Raheem Green - ...

    Why Abdul Raheem Green Came to Islam - YouTube

  10. #9
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    Why increasing numbers of young people drinking alcohol

    1 - as a result of peer pressure and tradition (the influence of friends).
    2 - some people have false beliefs that drinking alcohol makes them feel happy and helps them to spend a good time and eliminates shame.
    3 - as a result of being bored and looking for excitement in life.
    4 - Some people believe that alcohol abuse will help to overcome the problems
    5 - role models bad young man's family who are abusing alcohol and encourage it.

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    (1) nose :

    And nose as we know is a member of smell in the human body whereby one can distinguish between different smells , have been found to abuse alcohol addiction weaken that sense the task , which could eventually lead to the loss of such grace

    Also cause injury to the nose in the wine tumor bullosa (Rhinophyma) or what is known as nose Drunkard , where deformation occurs deep in the nose may require him to make it a facelift .

    (2) the pharynx :

    Is a corridor which fork to each of the esophagus ( food that connects to the stomach ) and the larynx and trachea

    And cause the wine to the side of the injury recurring inflammation pharynx (Pharyngitis) , which makes the patient hates his life as a result of repeated where infected with difficulty in swallowing permanently , in addition to other symptoms.

    Scientific research has shown the role of alcohol in cancer of the pharynx .

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