NEW safelist In beta testing.
*We at The Traffic Predator are in

need of Beta Testers for our New Safelist!

We* need Members to test the responsiveness of this, and many more Advertising Safe lists that we are about to launch over the next few months.

What YOU WILL Receive For Joining our BETA TESTING

FREE Pro Upgrade

10,000 Advertising Points added to your account

5 FREE Solo Ads to send out whenever you like

3 Free Banners, and 5000 Impressions For Each BANNER!

If you are interested in becoming a tester for us, just sign up as a FREE Member.

Send us a Support ticket to request your Beta Tester Benefits!

It's simple as that!
All that we ask in return is for you to use our Venue as normal.
any comments, or suggestions that would benefit all of us here at this Safelist...

Join The Traffic Predator NOW, and see exactly what we mean!

<b>The Traffic Predator</b>

Thanks guys this is going to be huge. Get In NOW we will soon be adding many more Safe list to our Business.

BOB Beaty (bob1940)
