RideNodes™ are a virtual currency & smart
contract apparatus that aims to realign the
interests of Drivers, Riders, & Service Coordinators (collectively referred to as our network participants) who already utilize ridehailing services (such as Uber, Lyft, Via and
even traditional taxi & limousine companies).
By leveraging the blockchain, RideNodes™
provide a superior platform not limited to logistics, payments, credential verification, and
incident responses, and a special emphasis
on the safety and the security of BOTH the
riders and drivers.

Within short period of time, RideNodes™ will serve in the nexus of the security, ride and transportation sectors

--- ICO ---
The initial ICO ran from Aug 20, 2019 to Oct 29, 2019. The marketing campaign was not started until 10/16/2019 - as a result, there were no significant sales during the two week period. The ICO was transferred to a new contract as an extension to the initial ICO through Jan 8, 2020.

ICO Details
Token: RIDE
Tokens on sale (40% of Total Supply): 10,000,000,000
Type: ERC20
Price: 1 ETH = 4000 RIDEs
Soft Cap: 25,000 ETH
Hard Cap: 2,500,000 ETH
Accepted currencies: ETH (only)
ICO Period: Aug 20, 2019 to Jan 8, 2020 (extended from Oct 29, 2019)

--- IEO ---
Currently, we are working with p2pb2b.io to start an IEO in a about a week. Please see the attached and try to satisfy the recommendation by p2pb2b.io as shown in the attached document IEO Marketing Manual.

IEO Details
Token: RIDE
Tokens on sale (40% of Total Supply): 10,000,000,000
Type: ERC20
Price: 1 RIDE = $0.05 USD
Soft Cap: $5,000,000
Hard Cap: $500,000,000
Accepted currencies: USD/UDT/ETH/BTC
IEO Period: TBD

Differences between ICO and IEO
Soft Cap & Hard Cap
Accepted currencies

Telegram Group: https://t.me/RideNodeGroup
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RideNode
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ridenode.tokens
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ridenode_tokens
Medium: https://medium.com/@ridenodetokens
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/RideNode
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bayrideinc
Slack: https://app.slack.com/client/TPABP5Z33/CPGAW71J8
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