I'm not the admin of this project, the topic was created for the purpose of familiarization!

Project start: July 21, 2022

PoSDuck is an NFT staking platform. The PoS (Proof-of-Stake) mechanism is used to reward participants.

All transactions are carried out by smart contracts whose code is fully transparent and accessible at any point in time.
PoSDuck's smart contracts are immutable. All transactions are strictly supervised. Each of them is executed without exception. This way, no one can interfere with the platform's work.

POSDuck is an NFT staking platform that allows you to earn up to 7% profit per day.

There are 4 types of staking pools on the platform, with different profitability and duration. To get started with the platform, you need to own an NFT with the DuckNFT collection, add it to the staking pool, use the boosts (if you have them) and start earning rewards. The platform is developed on a smart contract with a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) shaking mechanism. The smart contract algorithm cannot be changed. A leader and referral programme is also available on the platform.

Инвестиционные планы:
120% за 17 дней, начисление ежедневно по 7.06%
140% за 27 дней, начисление ежедневно по 5.19%
220% за 47 дней, начисление ежедневно по 7.06%
3.3% ежедневно, бессрочно

Минимальный вклад 0.01 BNB
Реферальная программа от 5% до 20%

Transaction Hash:
0x9fcabd160b519e0593ffc124ebe8b1ec92ff52486fce4691 4a76c99daed9bf80
19940439 2 Block Confirmations
16 secs ago (Jul-28-2022 08:26:51 AM +UTC)
0.37 BNB ($99.27)

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