Hello surfers and welcome to ECTrader.info,

How would you like to get paid everyday instantly without hassles?
At ECTrader.info we don't think member should have to wait to get paid.
We also do not require you to make a purchase before getting your payouts.
If you are new to surfing please take a minute to look around.

We offer what every surfers need, to make money without any problems.
You signup, purchase a membership, surf and GET PAID instantly and automatic.
No need to request withdrawal or wait for ADMIN to pay or payout excuses
like the other sites.
4% for 30 days surfing all paid instantly no excuses !

Daily Surf Earnings
We pay you 4% of your membership level to surf 15 sites for 30 days giving you a 120% return for surfing. You MUST surf to get paid everyday. Surf payouts are instant for PAID members ONLY. Free members will earn to account balance. Max membership level $5,000.

For more information, visit

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