Soon as you’ve prepared everything to actually start and open your own cleaning service; it’s the perfect time for you to meet up with prospective clients that could help you in generating revenue for the venture. But the question is - how much should you actually charge for the services you are to offer?

Making a niche in your chosen business, in this case cleaning services could be risky. There is always a tendency for you to charge very little thinking that this is a good strategy to earn clients and regular customers. Others on the other hand would take on promos and add-ons to compensate for their relatively high price. Keep in mind that people nowadays have become very clever when it comes to cleaning services—something that is very important in every household or office at that. Most people would rather pay a little extra if they are assured of a little more than just extra when it comes to the services they are to get. It’s alright for customers to invest in good cleaning services just as long as they are certain the company they hired will be able to deliver.

Therefore, don’t make the mistake of almost giving your services free of charge. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to earn and get back what you shelled out initially.

The price you will charge your clients would of course depend on the type of service they require of your company. If they require heavier and more time consuming services, it is logical that you charge them a relatively higher price. That is to say, you always have to make sure that you will make more than what you will shell out. After all, that is the true essence of starting your own business – to make a profit.

Of course if your employees do well in their job, you have to give them incentives. Remember that it is not only your clients that you need to take care of but also your employees because you need to establish a good relationship with them that is built on honesty and trust no matter what.

Other than this, there are a lot of computations to be done when it comes to starting your business. You have to make sure that you are able to note down all your expenses and see to it that you compute it right. Whatever the sum is of all the services you provide, the idea is to always compute it with a base value. This is to say that you are always on the safe side when it comes to ensuring that you will neither over budget nor will you fall short of your estimated expenses.

Once you’re set with your business and prepared enough to start its operation, make sure then that you are also emotionally and psychologically prepared. Business is not only about the money and the accounting, it is also about enjoying ones self and maximizing your potential.

For more: How to start a cleaning service